Web Host License
This page explains how Collect!'s licensing scheme works with Web
Host. If you do not currently have access to this extension
module, contact Administration at 250-391-0466 option 3 for
pricing and licensing information.
Web Host is available for sites operating version CV11.4.3.1 through
to the last shipping version of CV11.6.2, patch level not yet
determined as of June 2015. If you are operating CV12 and higher,
the following is not applicable - contact Administration for
more details.
Before being able to actively utilize Web Host, you need to assess
how many licensed seats you have total versus how many are being used
during normal course business. If you do not have any spare seats
unused on a daily basis, you will need to increase your licensed
seats with us before you can have your clients or off-site staff
start using Web Host during business hours.
How many extra seats you will need to purchase will depend on how
many concurrent users you anticipate logging in through Web Host
during your business day.
The Web Server, which must be up and running to allow access to to
your system, (similar to the way the RDS Server is always up and
running on your main Server PC) will use up 1 seat for itself, always.
For small to mid-size sites whose need for Web Host user access may be
needed but limited, there is the option of the license seat to
user type ratio we offer to minimize the expense of what you need
to purchase up front. In this scenario, there is a 2:1 ratio of
Web Host:Premise logins in addition to the 1 licensed seat needed
for the Web Host Server. Meaning, for every spare licensed
seat you have, you can get in 2 Web Host users.
Example, if you have 2 spare licensed seats, you have enough
room to operate Web Host as follows:
- Web Host Server uses 1 licensed seat.
- The remaining spare seat can be used by Web Host in the
following combinations for 1 licensed spare seat:
- 2 concurrent Web Host Logins, OR
- 1 client who has 2 separate representative Web Host Logins, OR
- 2 off-site employees have Web Host Logins, OR
- 1 client and 1 off-site employee have Web Host Logins.
Please contact Administration at 250-391-0466 for pricing and
have the information available how many extra users via Web Host
you anticipate needing concurrent access so that the correct number
of licensed seats may be offered to you.
If you are a larger site that offers the majority of your clients
login access to your system OR simply have more Web Host logins
operational need than is economically served by the seat ratio
option, then the Unlimited Client Access module is your most
cost-effective solution.
Unlimited Web Host Client Access
Available for sites running version CV11.4.3.1 and higher, this
optional module enables you to have unlimited client/remote user
logins to your Web Host and only requires the 1 spare licensed seat
to operate the Web Host Server.
There is no limit to the number of Web Host logins which may
access concurrently with this extension module in place. Call
Administration at 250-391-0466 option 3 for details and pricing.
No Web Host License
If you are operating Collect! with a license that does not
currently have Web Host activated for your site, you will receive
a message when you attempt to sign into Web Host mode:

No Web Host License
If you receive this message and wish to purchase a Web Host
access license, call Administration at 250-391-0466 option 3.
See Also
- Web Host Introduction
- Web Host Topics
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