Printer Type
Collect! doesn't know what kind of printer this is. Please
check the printer type. This is only important if you are
printing using Printer Stream.
Choose either laser, bubble/ink jet or dot matrix to be
able to correctly use the Collect! fast print driver.
The Collect! fast print driver provides fast printing on
printers supporting the PCL5, PCL3 or the Epson or
IBM command sets.
The benefit of this approach is that printing is fast!
and you can print high volume batch output. The trade
off is that printer controls need to be tuned to the
specific printer being used. Since you only set up
once you get maximum speed with very little overhead.

Printer Type
This is the complete path of your printer. If you are printing to a printer attached to your server, the path will show this.
Bubble/Ink Jet
Select this if this printer is a bubble jet, deskjet or ink jet.
Select this if this printer is a laser printer.
Dot Matrix
Select this if this printer is a dot matrix.
Select this if this printer type is not known.
Collect! may not be able to print correctly if you do not select the right type of printer.
Select this to save the settings you have chosen and continue with the printing process.
Select this to ignore any changes you may have made and return to the previous form.
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