Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Month Batch Analysis

The Month Batch Analysis report provides recovery statistics on a month by month basis, scanning back up to two years. Collect! will print cumulative totals and averages of listings, collections, recovery percent and yield. For every month reported, all accounts listed in that given month are totaled.

This information can be displayed in two ways:

  1. Print the report for a single Client by opening the Client form before printing.
  2. Print the report for all Clients by not having the Client form open.

The report is designed to show you the totals for accounts listed in each month over the past two years. Other money columns displayed, such as Fees, Interest and Amount Paid, relate directly to accounts listed in each given month.

This report performs the following calculations:

  • Total Listed - balances of Debtor's Owing amounts
  • Total Paid
  • Total Owing
  • Recovery Percentage - percentage of Total Paid divided by Total Balance
  • Unit Yield - average paid per account

The report will also automatically calculate and display:

  • Total Fees
  • Total Interest
  • Total Adjustments

These fields will ONLY be printed if there are transactions found which post credits or debits specifically to those accounts.

Here is a sample line from this report's output:

YY MM Accts Listed Interest Fees Adjustments Paid Owing % Unit Yield
03 11 00008 11513.44 0.00 1482.37 -2391.69 10067.12 537.00 077 1258.39

Looking at the above output for month 11 of year 03, we have 8 accounts listed with a total listed amount of $11513.44. The amount paid $10067.12 does not mean amount paid in month 11 of year 03, but is the total paid for the accounts listed for month 11 of year 03.

Using Internal Reports

These reports are important for tracking financials accurately and reconciling statements. They work well for basic simple payments and occasional NSFs to accounts. More sophisticated methods require custom reports to accommodate more complex details. This can be accommodated.

Useful Note Any of the internal reports may be replaced with your own customized version. To make Collect! run your own custom reports via the Print menu, Daily, Monthly, Analysis and Trust reports, change the Start On to something other than INTERNAL, depending on the particulars of your report, and place your own report codes in the Report Body of the report.

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