Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Total Listings

This report prints the value of all accounts listed with the agency as of the current date. It shows, Listed, Paid, Closed, Owing Amounts with Totals and Averages on a per Client and per Debtor basis.

The totals for this report are taken from the Client form. All Client totals should be recalculated before running the report.

All Debtors are considered.

Those listed in the 'Closed Debtor List' are totaled to produce the 'Closed' amount.

The Total Listing Report prints the following information:

1) Prints Totals for

  • Clients
  • Debtors

2) Prints Totals and Averages for

  • Listed amount
  • Paid amount
  • Closed amount
  • Owing amount

Listed amount includes Principal and Original Interest combined. For Judgment accounts, Listed amount combines Judgment Principal and Judgment Interest.


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Using Internal Reports

These reports are important for tracking financials accurately and reconciling statements. They work well for basic simple payments and occasional NSFs to accounts. More sophisticated methods require custom reports to accommodate more complex details. This can be accommodated.

Useful Note Any of the internal reports may be replaced with your own customized version. To make Collect! run your own custom reports via the Print menu, Daily, Monthly, Analysis and Trust reports, change the Start On to something other than INTERNAL, depending on the particulars of your report, and place your own report codes in the Report Body of the report.

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