Web Host User Levels
The list of User Levels allows you to select a User
Level to apply to an Operator. This list is also used to
assign form or field rights to a particular operator level.
This provides multi-level password protection and can
be edited by your System Administrator.
Edit User Level
This is the code for the level of User. It
is a numeric code that can be up to 4 digits.
It is advised that you examine the predefined
User Levels that ship with Collect!.
This is a description of the User Level such
as System Manager. Names can be changed
to be more intuitive to the way you do business.
It is advised that you examine the predefined
User Levels that ship with Collect!.
Operators with this user level do not have access
to any options that are selected under this heading.
Operators with this user level have full access
to any options that are selected under this heading.
Operators with this user level have limited access
to any options that are selected under this heading.
* Operator: Can only update Name, Address, and contact
* Client: Can only update Name, Address, and contact
* Debtor: Can only update Name, Address, and contact
* Events: Can only mark the event as Completed.
* Group Members: Can only see group members who are
assigned to them. For Client Operators, Yes
and Limited are identical.
* Transactions: Can only update the Invoice #, Receipt #,
User 1, User 2, and checkbox fields.
These are items that are accessible from anywhere in
Collect!, primarily the menu and toolbar.
Upload Files requires installation and configuration
of a 3rd party web server that supports PHP.
These are items that apply specifically to the Client Form.
These are items that apply specifically to the Debtor Form.
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