How To Print Barcodes
Collect! can print reports using seven types of barcodes:
US Postnet - POSTal Numeric Encoding Technique to automate the
sorting of mail
3 of 9 - Code 39, USS Code 39, USD-3, Code 3 of 9, Logmars
or HIBC, New York Court Documents
2 of 5 - Industrial uses
128B Alpha Numeric - USS Code 128, UCC-128, ISBT-128, EAN-128,
EAN-14, SSCC-18 and SCC-14 specifications
11 digit Delivery Point PostNet Barcodes used by USPS
128A Digits 0-9, A-Z, ASCII control codes, special characters
128C - Digit pairs 00-99 (double density encoding of numeric only data)
These can be produced for letters printed to the browser, as
well as DC printing to a printer. Used with Collect!'s
Batch Letter Options, you can switch ON Sort By Postal Code,
and produce a sorted mailing in Postal Code order, ready to
deliver to the Post Office complete with Postnet Barcodes.
- DC Printing
- Familiarity with the Report Writer
- Each type of code has its own specific requirements as listed below
SYNTAX: @Barcode(type, {fieldcode}, x, y)
SCALING SYNTAX: @Barcode(4, {fieldcode}, x, y,z)
as described below.
1 - Postnet (normal)
2 - 3 of 9
3 - 2 of 5i
4 - 128B (alphanumeric)
5 - Postnet (11 digit)
6 - 128A (alphanumeric special)
7 - 128C (double density numeric)
This is the printable information code for a particular field or it can
also be a variable.
X and Y:
These are coordinates in 1/100ths of an inch -- measured from the left (x)
and top (y) edges of the printed page.
Example:<,< @de.zi<
@Barcode(1, @de.zi,100,100)
This would print the address and then the Barcode where you placed
it with the x,y coordinates. In the example above, x and y are both 100
so this would place the Barcode's starting position 1 inch from the top
and 1 inch from the left edge of the printed page.
Use the Print Preview "Ruler" feature to map out
the exact coordinates to use with this command!
Simply press r on your keyboard as soon
as the Print Preview displays and then use your mouse to
drag the crosshairs. Read the exact coordinates displayed
in the Print Preview title bar.
Print Preview Ruler with Coordinates
This is the scaling factor. The default scaling factor is 96 which
is divided into the bitmap width and multiplied by pixels per
inch. Only the width of the barcode is scalable, not the height.
Barcode scaling is implemented on the Barcode 128
bitmap (i.e. code 4). See examples below.
Postnet Barcode
SYNTAX: @Barcode(1,@de.zi,0,600)
REQUIRES: Properly entered US Zip Codes, either 5 or 9 digit. Does
not work with Canadian Postal Codes. Improper data is ignored and
barcode is not printed.
USAGE: POSTal Numeric Encoding Technique to automate the
sorting of mail
POSTNET (POSTal Numeric Encoding Technique) was developed for
use by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to automate the
sorting of mail. The code comprises two frame bars at the beginning
and end, combinations of five long and short bars for each of the ZIP
code digits, and five more long and short bars for the check digit. Each
digit from zero to nine is a unique pattern of long and short bars. The
eleven-digit bar code is developed from the nine-digit ZIP code and the
last two digits of the street address.
3 Of 9 Barcode
SYNTAX: @Barcode(2,@de.zi,0,650)
REQUIRES: Upper case alpha characters, digits 0 - 9, special
characters [space, minus (-), plus (+), period (.), dollar sign ($),
slash (/), percent (%)] Maximum of 25 characters recommended.
USAGE: Code 39, USS Code 39, USD-3, Code 3 of 9, Logmars
or HIBC, New York Court Documents
What is Code 39? (Code 39, USS Code 39, USD-3, Code 3 of 9,
Logmars or HIBC)
Code 39 is an alphanumeric bar code. The symbol can be as long as
necessary to store the encoded data. It is designed to encode 26
uppercase letters, 10 digits and 7 special characters [space,
minus (-), plus (+), period (.), dollar sign ($), slash (/), and percent (%)]. Each
data character encoded in a Code 39 symbol is made up of 5 bars and 4
spaces for a total of 9 elements. Each bar or space is either "wide" or "narrow"
and 3 out of the 9 elements are always wide. That's how the code got its
alternate name - Code 3 of 9. The barcode may be of any length, although
more than 25 characters is not recommended. Characters are separated by
an inter-character gap, which is the same width as a narrow bar.
Code 39 is widely used in many industries and is the standard for many
government barcode specifications, including the U.S. Department of
Defense, otherwise known as "Logmars" . Code 39 is defined in American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard MH10.8M-1983, and is
also known as USD-3.
Code 39 can be read by just about every scanner on the market. It is
widely used for in-house solutions; that is, applications where the barcodes
will be used internally. It is also used for transferring data between
companies. For example, the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
defines a set of labeling standards for marking inter-company shipments
within the industry; these labels use Code 39.
2 Of 5 Barcode
SYNTAX: @Barcode(3,,0,700)
REQUIRES: Digits only - numeric character set 0 - 9. Can be as long
as needed.
USAGE: Industrial
The 2 of 5 barcode we utilize is the Interleaved type as it is the
most common.
The structure of the 2 of 5 barcode family is one of the simplest of the
width-modulated industrial bar codes. There are three well known
members of this family: the Industrial, Matrix and Interleaved.
These three codes have the following similarities:
Two wide elements per five-element character.
Black bars and white spaces.
Numeric character sets (0-9).
Binary encoding: wide=1; narrow=0. A wide element is typically
two to three times wider than a narrow element.
Non-character start/stop, bar/space pattern.
Even-parity character check.
Optional message checksum character.
The Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode has the highest information density of the
entire 2 of 5 family. Many inventory and data collections systems
currently use both numeric and alphanumeric data to record part numbers
and transactions. The 2 of 5 barcode family is capable of encoding numeric
data only. Thus, in those instances where alphanumeric data must be
encoded, a different code must be selected. Out of the 2 of 5 family
Interleaved 2 of 5 is the most common, it is relatively easy to use. The
symbol can be as long as necessary to store the encoded data and can
hold up to 18 digits per inch when printed using a 7.5 mil X
dimension. "Interleaved" comes from the fact that one digit is encoded in
the bars of each character and the next digit is encoded in the spaces
of that character, thus the digits are "Interleaved" together.
128 Barcodes
Code 128 is a very high-density barcode symbology, used extensively
world wide in shipping and packaging industries. GS1-128 (formerly known
as UCC/EAN-128) is one of its variants. It is used for alphanumeric or
numeric-only barcodes. It can encode all 128 characters of ASCII and
is also capable of encoding two numbers into one character width,
called double density. This feature is evidence of it being designed to
reduce the amount of space the bar code occupies, to address the
ever-increasing needs of item catalogs. Each printed character can
have one of three different meanings, depending on which of three
different character sets are employed. Code 128 is the major component
of the labeling standard for GS1-128 (formerly known as UCC/EAN-128),
used as product identification for container and pallet levels of retail markets.
128A Alpha Numeric Barcode
SYNTAX: @Barcode(6,@de.ho,0,750,0)
REQUIRES: Can contain digits 0-9, characters A-Z (caps only),
ASCII control codes and special characters
128B Alpha Numeric Barcode
SYNTAX: @Barcode(4,@de.ho,0,750,0)
REQUIRES: A minimum of 6 alpha-numeric characters. All 128
ASCII characters. Can be as long as needed. Can contain
digits 0-9, characters A-Z and a-z, and special characters
USAGE: USS Code 128, UCC-128, ISBT-128, EAN-128, EAN-14,
SSCC-18 and SCC-14 specifications
128C Numeric Barcode
SYNTAX: @Barcode(7,@de.zi,0,750,0)
REQUIRES: Can contain ONLY digits 00-99. Works in
pairs. Double density encoding of numeric only data.
When a Barcode 128C is about to be output,
if the input string is not an EVEN number of digits, the input
will be rejected. A REPORT log entry will be written
with the offending numeric string.
Barcode Scaling For Code 128
Barcode scaling is now implemented on the Barcode 128
bitmap (i.e. code 4). The default scaling factor is 96 which
is divided into the bitmap width and multiplied by pixels
per inch. Only the width of the barcode is scalable, not
the height.
Examples of use:
@Barcode(4,@de.ho,100,100,0) - default scaling
@Barcode(4,@de.ho,100,100,96) - same as default scaling
@Barcode(4,@de.ho,100,100) - default scaling

@Barcode(4,@de.ho,100,100,192) - Half as wide

@Barcode(4,@de.ho,100,100,48) - Twice as wide
Delivery Point Postnet 11 Digit Barcode
SYNTAX: @Barcode(5,,100,100)
REQUIRES: Entirely numeric string in the debtor's address
USAGE: 11 digit Delivery Point PostNet barcoding is used by
USPS. In addition to the normal nine digit Zip+4 code, these
have an additional two digits representing the Delivery Point
code, which is the last two digits of either the street number,
highway box, or P.O. box.
Collect! will now attempt to find this code in the debtor address
field by pulling the last two characters of the first entirely numeric
string found in the field. This should work smoothly assuming that
the data is well entered. If there is random junk in there, it will
not parse the correct numbers and you will get rejected (or
misaddressed) letters.
Barcodes Using Variables
You can use a variable in any of the Barcode commands.
You can also use a check digit formatted printable field.
Variable without check digit:
@varStr* = @de.zi
Variable with check digit:
@varStr* = @de.zi
Please refer to Help topic, How to Generate a Check Digit
for details.
See Also
- Report Sample to view all the sample reports and letters
- Report Topics Index to view a list of all report topics
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