Creating Credit Bureau Pull Files
You can use Collect! to make Credit Report requests.
The Credit Bureau will require you to place a file,
in a specific file format, in a location. Then they will tell
you a location where you can download the results.
If you can get the specific file format specifications,
Collect! can produce the file for you. Then you would only
need to be concerned about what you need to do to get
the file to your Credit Bureau. This eliminates the middle man.
There are many ways that this may be accomplished.
A simple example is given here. While a user is on a
Debtor, you would run a contact plan to
1. Writes a note "Credit Bureau Report requested."
2. Change the status to CBP (to signify credit bureau pull.)
3. Create a contact of type OTHER with the DUE DATE set to
today with Description "Request Credit Bureau Report."
Proceed to the next debtor. You may also select a number
of debtors and then batch process the same contact plan
against them. This will give you the same results on any
number of accounts.
The next step would be to run a report at end of day, end of
week or what ever time you wish. The report would search
the database for the contact created by the contact plan.
When one is found, Collect! would append to a file, the
debtor's information needed in the required format. Once this
is done, Collect! could mark the contact as done and repeat
the steps until there are no more contacts found.
The last step would be for you to find the file created and
send it to the Credit Bureau according to their instructions.
The process is complete. You will then receive a file with
the batch of credit bureau reports. Follow the steps to
import and attach these to the correct debtor account.
Requesting in batches is far more efficient and eliminates the
time that it takes to deliver a single request at a time.
This is just one method to create a file of many accounts
for your service to get a credit bureau reports on. You need
only define a method to flag such accounts and then write a
report or an export map to produce the file in the desired
format specified by your service.
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