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Database Schema

The Collect! Database Schema contains all the information that you can access through your ODBC interface. This information is stored in tables. There is a separate table in the database schema for each type of record.

tip.gif You can examine the database schema directly if you are using Version 11.3 Build 1.1 or newer. Please refer to the Help topic, CV11 Admin Tool for more information.

You can see the list of these tables when you access Collect! through an ODBC interface such as MS Access.

Database Tables viewed through an ODBC connection

In the example above, each table is prefaced by the short code that Collect! uses to identify each of its three databases. The prefix d01_collect indicates that we are viewing the database structure of the DEMODB database. The working, or MASTERDB, database is prefaced by d00_collect and the prospecting, or PROSDB, database is prefaced by d02_collect. There is also an archive database for each of these databases, the prefixes are a00_collect,a01_collect and a02_collect, respectively.

Tables in the a00_collect Archive Database

warning.gif WARNING: The Archive databases are Read Only through the Collect! interface. They are intended for storing unused records. In the ODBC interface, these databases are not Read Only. However, the Archive database tables, which start with prefixes a00_collect, a01_collect and a02_collect, should NOT be written to or edited through ODBC!!

When you drill down into each table in MS Access, you see the list of fields that each table holds. These fields are prefaced with a short code that identifies the table.

Debtor Fields in the d01_collect_debtor table

In the example above, the prefix de_ indicates the Debtor record.

tip.gif Rowid fields are primary key fields used to link the information in different tables. In the example above there are two of these right at the top of the list, the debtor_rowid and client_rowid.

In the tables, you see the actual name of the field in the database. This is the name you use to access the field through your ODBC interface., e.g. de_name will retrieve information in the Debtor Name field.

Primary keys are used to relate information between tables. These fields are not part of the Collect! user interface. They are only found in the Database Schema. You can recognize them by the suffix rowid in the field name.

Key fields are indexed fields in the database. Searching and sorting by these fields is quick. Queries should always be based on a key field. This is especially important for complicated queries returning large data sets.

tip.gif Querying on optional keys may not return the data you expect if the field contains no data. Try to query on a key field instead. Please see How To Filter Data With The Where Clause for more information about optional keys.

See Also

- ODBC Topics

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