Installing ODBC Drivers For CV11
After your Server CV11 installation has completed successfully,
and you are able to start the RDM Server, you are ready to
proceed with ODBC installation. This will enable you to access
the CV11 database using your favorite data access tools.
The steps for installing ODBC support are:
- Install the CV11Client - If you are NOT
running your ODBC application from your Server.
- Run instodbc.exe to install the ODBC
drivers for RDM Server.
- Copy the connect.ini to your Windows or
WINNT folder.
- Make sure the RDM Server is running and start your
ODBC application.
These steps are explained below.
Install CV11 Client
Run the CV11 installation on the computer that has your
ODBC application. Make sure you that Install to Client
is chosen in the installation. Enter the correct IP address
of the machine where the RDM Server is running.
Please refer to Installing The CV11 Client for details
about configuration and set up that may apply to your installation.
The details apply if you want to sign into the Collect! interface
from this workstation, as well as using the ODBC application.
You do not have to install the CV11Client if you
are running your ODBC application from the machine
where the RDM Server is running.
Run Instodbc
From the command line, navigate to your CV11Client\bin folder
and run instodbc with the following arguments,
instodbc -a {dll path} {data source name}
where {dll path} refers to the \bin folder where
the driver *.dlls are located and {data source name}
is the name of the data source you are creating.
instodbc -a c:\CV11Client\bin RDS
This will create a data source called RDS and will write the
location c:\CV11Client\bin to the Windows Registry as the
location where the ODBC driver and set up *.dlls are
located, (codrv32.dll and cocfgf32.dll).
If you are running your ODBC application from
the machine where the RDM Server is running, the folder
in the above instructions will be "CV11" not "CV11Client.".
Copy Connect Ini To Windows Folder
After the RDS data source has been created successfully,
use Windows Explorer to find the CV11Client\bin directory.
Select the connect.ini file and copy it
to the Windows or WINNT folder, depending on your operating
Make sure your RDM Server is running. Now you should be
able to start your ODBC application and connect to CV11.
If you would like to sign into Collect! at the same time, select
the CV11Client icon on your Desktop.
If you see a message that the driver installation
failed, you will have to resolve this issue before continuing.
Please see the "Troubleshooting" section below.
If you want to install additional data sources
contained on a different server, you may run instodbc
again with a different data source name, e.g. RDS2. Please
refer to Add An ODBC Data Source for more information.
When You Use ODBC
Make sure that the CV11 Server is up and running whenever
you try to access the database using ODBC.
When you attempt to access the database using ODBC,
you will be prompted for your Server name, User ID
and Password.
Server: RDS
User ID: admin
Password: secret
Substitute your own entries if they differ from these.
This connection bypasses the Collect! program
interface. Therefore, none of Collect!'s features can be used
for formatting or filtering data. These will have to be done by
your database administration staff within the confines of your
ODBC client application. Please see Database Schema for
more information about the database structure. Refer to
Using ODBC With RDM Server for information about parsing
raw data.
Technical Notes
DLLs used by CV11 ODBC
The ODBC Data Manager expects these *.dlls to
be found in the folder you specified when you
ran instodbc.
Collect! sets its own CONNPATH environment variable
to point to the bin folder which will override any connect.ini
that may exist in the Windows folder. This enables users of
the Collect! interface to open Collect! normally, even when
a machine is also configured for ODBC access.
1. An error, "Unable to Ping Server," means that the CV11 TCP/IP
setup is incorrect. Generally, if your CV11 works well multi user
from the workstation you are on, and the CV11 Server is running
on the server, you should not see any error messages. If you
have multiple copies of Collect! please ensure that you have
navigated to the correct \bin folder to run instodbc.exe.
2. If you do not have permission to create files and folders in your
workstation's Windows or WINNT folder, you may not be able to
copy the connect.ini Attempts to connect using
your ODBC application will fail with a message ODBC
connection to RDM Server failed. Make sure that
the connect.ini is in the local Windows or
WINNT folder and that the correct IP Address and server Port
information are entered.
The Port is displayed in the DOS rds.exe
window where RDM Server is running.
Php/ODBC Connection
When setting up a PHP/ODBC connection to the Collect!
database you may encounter the following or a similar
error message.
Warning: odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]:
SQL error: [Birdstep Technology][Codrv32.dll][RDS]driver
not capable, SQL state S1C00 in SQLSetStmtOption
in C:\xampp\htdocs\mytest.php
This is easily resolved by applying an argument to
the odbc_connect statement.
Old connect statement:
connect statement: $collect = odbc_connect($host, $user, $password)
New connect statement:
$collect = odbc_connect($host, $user, $password, SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC)
This sets the type of cursor to be used for this connection.
This parameter is not normally needed, but can be useful
for working around problems with some ODBC drivers.
The following constants are defined for cursortype:
ODBC Connection Issues After Upgrading
If you have recently upgraded your Collect!, you may need to
reinstall ODBC drivers to the latest ones shipped with Collect!.
You may also need to refresh your connection within your
third party application. For example, if you connect to ODBC
via a linked server in SQL Server, you will need to recreate
the linked server once you have updated your ODBC drivers
for RDS.
Data Sources In Windows 7
The ODBC drivers shipped with Collect! are 32 bit drivers.
After the installation, you do not see the RDS DSNs in
the 64 bit ODBC Data Source Administrator. However, if
needed, you can open the 32 bit ODBC Data Source
Administrator from the Windows\SysWOW64 folder.
It is called odbcad32.exe and when you open it, you will
see the RDS DSNs.
See Also
- ODBC Topics
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