Choose Report Item
This form allows you to quickly locate a database field or
printer control code to add to your Report Body. The codes
for date, time, page number, new page, or footer can be
added to the Report Body as well, simply by choosing
them from this screen.

Choose Report Item
Select one of the options to insert it into the report.
When you select a item, it is automatically
entered in the underlying report body. Please make sure you
are not adding code that you do not intend to add! Check
your report body carefully after using the Choose Report Item
Database Field
Select this item and select NEXT to display
the Printable Field list of all fields in your
database that can be printed in your reports
and letters. Choose an item from the
Printable Field list to automatically add it to
your Report Body at the position of your cursor.
Reposition it if needed.
Printer Control Code
Select this item and select NEXT to display
the Printer Control Code list of all printer codes
that can be chosen to format your reports
and letters. Choose an item from the Printer
Control Code list to automatically add it to
your Report Body at the position of your cursor.
Reposition it if needed.
Date And Time
Select this item to add the code for the current
Date in this Date format (Jan 01, 00). Click the
Next button to add it to your Report Body at the
position of your cursor. Reposition it if needed.
Select this item to add the code for the current
Date in this Date format (January 01, 2000).
Click the Next button to add it to your Report Body
at the position of your cursor. Reposition it if needed.
Select this item to add the code for the current time
in this Time format (13:56:10). Click the Next button
to add it to your Report Body at the position of your
cursor. Reposition it if needed.
Page Number
Select this item to add page numbers to your printed
report or letter. Click the Next button to add the code to
your Report Body at the position of your cursor. Reposition
it if needed.
For running page numbers, put the @p in a Footer.
New Page
Choose this item to insert a new page command
in the Report Body. Click the Next button to add it to your
Report Body at the position of your cursor. Reposition
it if needed.
This is useful to force information to appear on
a new page for each record pulled from the database.
Choose this item to add a footer to your document.
Click the Next button to add the code to your Report Body
at the position of your cursor. Reposition it if needed.
Select this for help on the Choose Report Item dialog
and links to related report topics.
Select this to close this form and return to
the previous form.
Press this button to display the list of database fields
or printer control codes, if one of these items is currently
selected. Press it to automatically add the code for any
other currently selected item.
Press F2 after the code has been placed
in your Report Body. This will bring up the
Choose Report Item form again so that you
can make other choices.
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