Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Client Analysis Report

The Client Analysis Report prints an analysis of a selected Client or a range of Clients. The report totals all new business during a selected date range, all debtor payments received during this time period, and results. Totals are printed for the number of accounts and payments. Total values and averages are also printed.

The report lists monthly totals reflecting all business reported in the selected date range. The report also lists yearly totals for all business. For the Year To Date totals, Collect! reads the year from the FROM field and TO field in your date range. Then it prints totals from January 1st of the FROM year up to the TO date selected in the date range.

The Client Analysis Report's Results columns show Liquidation percent, Cost Factor (average commission), Yield, and Year To Date commission amounts.

This report prints the following information:

1) Client information

  • client
  • number
  • name
  • last business date

2) Business Placed


  • number of new accounts
  • total value of the new accounts

BY YEAR TO DATE - (January 1st - TO range)

  • number of accounts placed this year
  • total value of these accounts
  • average value of these accounts

3) Collections


  • number of payments
  • total value of these payments
  • average value of these payments

BY YEAR TO DATE - (January 1st - TO range)

  • number of payments
  • total value of these payments
  • average value of these payments

4) Results

Liquidation Percentage

This is the percentage of collections over listings.

Liquidation percentage =
(year to date payments / year to date account values) x 100

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Cost Factor

This is the average commission percentage for the Client.

Cost Factor =
(year to date commission / year to date payments) x 100

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This is the average amount of commission per account.

Yield =
year to date commission / number of accounts entered during the date range.

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Year Commission

This is the year to date total commission.

Year Commission = Sum of all commissions for the date range.

Useful Note When the totals are calculated, the program scans through all the client's debtors and transactions and adds up the principal, interest and debtor payments. For clients with many debtors, this may take some time.

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Running The Report

When you run the Client Analysis report, you will be prompted for three things -- Client #, Clients with billing period, and Date Range to include in the report. These are explained below.

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Client #

Select a range of Clients to include in your report.

This allows you to choose a specific Client or a range of Clients in numerical order by Client #. If no Client # is specified, the report will display all clients.

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Clients With Billing Period

Select the billing period you wish to report on.

This allows you to choose a specific billing period to include in this report. The billing period method must be selected first in your settings for specific clients.

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Date Range

Pick a date range to cover in this report. Click the small calendar icon to display the calendar.

The range that is displayed is usually preset to the current month from the 1st to the 31st of the month. If you choose an earlier date, make sure you choose the 1st to the 31st of the month.

If no date range is selected, a complete summary of all client activity is displayed.

For yearly totals, the report takes into account the FROM year. Yearly totals start on January 1st of the selected year.

Useful Note Enter dates as MM/DD/YY. This report expects monthly ranges from the 1st to the 30/31st of the month. If you select other ranges where dates span across months, this may produce unexpected results.

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Choose the beginning of the date range to include in this report. This is the date that your report will begin to calculate from.

Monthly totals go by month/ day. Yearly totals start from January 1st of the selected year.

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Choose the end of the date range to include in this report. This is the date that your report will calculate TO.

Indicate the exact Month, Day and Year that you want your report to include.

Useful Note This form has hidden fields that can be used in reports for more filters. Please refer to the Help topic How To Use Prompts In A Report for more information.

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Press this button for help on the Client Analysis Report dialog and links to related topics.

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Select this button to save your settings and proceed to the printing options.

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Select this button to cancel the printing process and return to the previous screen.

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Using Internal Reports

These reports are important for tracking financials accurately and reconciling statements. They work well for basic simple payments and occasional NSFs to accounts. More sophisticated methods require custom reports to accommodate more complex details. This can be accommodated.

Useful Note Any of the internal reports may be replaced with your own customized version. To make Collect! run your own custom reports via the Print menu, Daily, Monthly, Analysis and Trust reports, change the Start On to something other than INTERNAL, depending on the particulars of your report, and place your own report codes in the Report Body of the report.

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