How To Use The Rest API End Point - Read Records
This end-point will allow you to return a list of records, a single record, or a list of sub-records.
GET Type End-Point
The below code only shows the first few lines of the table as an example. For the current schema,
please refer to the Printable Field Help Topic.
Response Body
The response will include a status value. 200 is good. Everything else is a failure. If the response
is good, then the response will include the Data Type and Data.
"type": {
"recId": "string",
"rowId": "string",
"numRecords": digit,
"numPages": digit
"data": {
"field": "string",
Code |
Description |
recId |
This is the table name in the database. |
rowId |
This is the column name for the unique identifier for this table. |
numRecords |
This is the total number of records in the results for all pages. |
numPages |
This is the number of pages that the results have been divided in to. For example, if you
use the Limit parameter and set it to 100, and 450 records are in the results, then you
would have 5 pages. You would then use the Page parameter to navigate the pages. |
"type": {
"recId": "debtor",
"rowId": "de_rowid",
"numRecords": 15398,
"numPages": 16
"data": {
"de_rowid": "123",
Return A Single Record
To return a single record, add the rowid after the record type.
If you do not have the rowid, you can use filters using data that is available to obtain
the rowid of the record that you need.
To return the counts of a record's sub-records, use the counts option.
The response will contain the record type, then the data will be an list of the tables and number of
records in each table.
"type": {
"recId": "debtor",
"rowId": "de_rowid"
"data": {
"bank_account": "0",
"email": "1",
"phone": "3",
"address_lookup": "1",
"notes": "0",
"attachment": "4",
"cosigner": "2",
"contact": "8",
"de_transaction": "4",
"blobs": "15"
In our schema, notes are stored in the blobs table, not the notes table. Each blob entry
is a single note line.
Return Sub-Records For A Single Record
To return a list of sub-records for a particular record, you can add the table name to the URL.
After the end-point, you can add a question mark, then parameters.
The following parameters are available:
Specifies how many records to return in a result. If no limit is specified, then 1000 is used.
If the total results is greater than the limit, then you can use page to navigate the results.
As an alternative to paging, you can use offset to navigate the results. For example, with 1500
results and a limit of 500, an offset of 1000 would be similar to requesting page 3 as it would
skip the first 1000 results.
By default, all available fields in the table are returned. This option allows you to control which
fields are returned in the results.
This option will sort the results by the specified fields. The default sorting is ascending.
Descending can be specified with the "desc" attribute or with a "-" following the field.
sort=field_1,field_2 desc,field_3-,...
Text Search
This option uses SQL Server's full text searching. This feature must be enabled in the database
engine to work.
By default, only the specified record is returned with this end-point. If you need related
records, you can use a join.
WARNING: You must use the correct fields for the joins as Collect! will not automatically
fill in the foreign keys. This is to allow for flexibility for joining certain
records where you would not want to use the foreign key.
Supported Join Types:
Filters are parameters that can be used to filter data based on values in fields.
Between the field and operator is a double underscore.
Less Than
Less Than or Equal To
Greater Than
Greater Than or Equal To
Equal To
Not Equal To
Not In
As Percent Symbols cannot be in the URI, you have to escape it as %25.
Not Like
As Percent Symbols cannot be in the URI, you have to escape it as %25.
Bit Value On
Bit values are typically used for flag fields where bit values (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...) are set. The
"bits" option can also be used on number fields to obtain the values that are odd.
For bitwise fields, the value specified will return the results where the applicable flag (checkbox)
is on.
Bit Value Off
Bit values are typically used for flag fields where bit values (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...) are set. The
"nbits" option can also be used on number fields to obtain the values that are even.
For bitwise fields, the value specified will return the results where the applicable flag (checkbox)
is off.
Is Null
Is Not Null
Using OR Operations
By default, filters use the AND operation. This is indicated when each field is separated with a
comma. If the field ended with a semi-colon, then that will indicate an OR.
The below example will return Debtors that are in Status (NEW, ACT, PPA), OR where the Owing is
greater or equal than $1,000.00.
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