Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Use The User Defined Toolbar Icons

Collect! has 6 user definable buttons to the right of the print button on the toolbar. By default, these buttons have placeholder icons until you configure the buttons.

Configure The Buttons To Run A Report

Create a report or letter called User-Control-Button-X where X is the number 1 through 6 from left to right. The "start on" report can be anything you choose. If you try to run a report that starts on debtor from the WIP list, Collect! will simply use the last debtor that you visited.

Then build a report that you want linked to that button. Please refer to the Help topic How to Build Reports or Letters for more information on building reports.

If you wish to use an existing report in your system, you can copy and paste the report, the rename the report to the user control button naming convention.

Useful Note If you are using an existing report, we suggest that you put the contents of the report into an include file located in the styles folder and have the user button report and the original report refer to the include file. This way if you want to edit the report, you only have to edit the include file and won't have to maintain 2 copies of the same report.

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Change The Icon To Something More Suitable

The image files for the icons are located in the Collect\bin\global\icons folder. The image files from left to right are:

user1.png or email_to_friend.png
user2.png or google_map.png
user3.png or creditcards.png
user4.png or date_add.png
user5.png or google_custom_search.png
user6.png or from_web.png

Useful Note The names cannot be changed and they must be .PNG files.

Useful Note For best results, the image size should be 32 x 32 pixels.

Edit or create an image with the above file name convention for the button you are configuring. This will take effect the next time you open Collect!.

Useful Note Collect! reads the very first pixel in the top left of the image and treats that color as the background color for transparency. You can either leave it white, or fill the white space area of the image with something that stands out like pink or red.

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