Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

  Detailed Field Information Related 'How To' Tutorials

Pick List

The Pick List form allows you to create custom drop down lists that can be attached to fields. The same pick list can be attached to multiple fields, allowing for consistency.

Pick List Form

Please refer to the Help topic How To Use Pick Lists for more information.


This is the name for the record. In prior versions of Collect!, it was the file name (EX: 1.pck). The name does not require an extension, but it does need to be unique. The value placed here will also be the same value that you place on the Access Rights or Form Rights forms.

Useful Note There are 4 naming conventions for this field: 1) Traditional (EX: 1.pck) that uses the file name from the legacy pick lists; 2) UUID (EX: 2ED17D42.pck) that is automatically generated by the system; 3) System (EX: _2ED17D42) which is the same as UUID, but is prefixed with an underscore and does not have an extension; and 4) User-Defined (country.pck or country) which can be any text as long as it's unique.

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This is a descriptions for the pick list, so you know what its purpose is. It can be any text.

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The entries is a sub-list that links to the Pick List Entry record.

Warning Note WARNING: Do not modify System pick lists. These lists will automatically regenerate during the upgrade process.

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