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Other Uses For The Client Screen And Handy Utility Writeback Reports

Client records can be effectively used for other purposes, as follows:

  1. Storage of outside attorneys or forwarder companies you may outsource your out-of-region or special handling accounts. These records now in the system can be used in your pick-lists to create Attorney and/or Forwarder drop-downs on your Debtor screens. With the data item identified on each Debtor, you would have the ability to create reports that would give you inventory details for which files, how many etc. that you have with specific attorneys or forwarder agencies.
  2. You can store other data like Court/Municipal address information, or even departmental information and create a pick list of these as well. The attachment tab with "Class" settings can be utilized to create comprehensive listings.
  3. Bankruptcy Trustee listings. These too may be configured to become selectable options which can be used in a simple pick list or with greater detail as can be achieved using an Attachment window on the Debtor screens. Collectors and Admin staff would be able to select the Trustee from a list and have the Address Detail and Alias field labels auto-fill.
  4. Credit Counselors/Debt Consolidators. Can be configured in the same way as #3 above.

How To Mass Update Sales ID On Clients And Debtors

If a Salesperson moves on or CSRs are reshuffled among your Client Portfolios, it becomes necessary to change a Sales ID across a volume of Clients. Instead of taking on a labor intensive manual task, use a Contact Plan to do the mass update for you. It needs to be effected in two separate passes:

  1. Against the Client list and,
  2. Against an Active Debtor list to insert the new Sale ID into your existing shelf inventory.

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Mass Update Sales ID On Client List

To update the Sales ID on all Clients who currently have an embedded sales code you want to change, create a New Contact Plan. Example: If the code you want off the Clients is SLS1 and you want to replace it with SLS2.

  • Event type is "Sales"
  • "Schedule if" "cs.asitna" = SLS1
  • Click "Assign to specific operator" and choose the Sales ID you want the Clients to be changed to, in this example, SLS2.

From an individual Client screen or a Browse list of Clients, select the Client of interest by entering that screen or tagging ALL Clients (quick key method to tag all is press your Ctrl+A keys while on an open list). Then run your Contact Plan in Batch Processing. Any Clients who do not have the target Sales ID will skipped by the process.

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Mass Update Sales ID On Active Debtor List

To update the Sales ID on all Active Debtors who might have the target Sales ID, create another contact plan. Using the same example as above to change SLS1 to SLS2.

  • Event type is "Sales"
  • "Schedule if" "" = SLS1
  • Click "Assign to specific operator" and choose the Sales ID you want the Debtor files to be changed to, in this example, SLS2.
  • Enter a Browse list of Active Debtors.
  • Click Ctrl+A to tag them all.
  • Run your contact plan through Batch Processing. Any Debtors who do not have the target Sales ID will be skipped by the process.

tip.gif Any time you run a mass process which manipulates data, include a NOTE type Event that includes a description of what change is being made. Example: "Updated Sales ID From SLS1 To SLS2".

This will write a date/time stamped noteline to every file where the change takes place, becoming a part of permanent record.

As time passes and staffs turn over, clarity on why any mass data change was done can become lost. If your company makes it a mandate that all actions in the system must be clearly documented, whether by a live person or via notating as a part of an automated process, re-investigating how/when/why something changed will be negated.

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How To Mass Update Commission Rate Or Rate Plan - Client And Debtors

Another common data manipulation that you will likely encounter at some junction in your Client relationships, is their changing the contingency rate that your Agency is to receive on payments. Affecting this change on the Client is a simple, one-step procedure. All FUTURE Debtors entered will pick up the new rate. If your Client intends for the rate to be updated to your shelf inventory, then you need a way to make the mass change efficiently.

  1. To change the Client, click into the Advanced screen, enter into the Commission Tab and make the requisite changes.
  2. Create your Contact Plan that will be used on the list of Active Debtors.
    • Event type "Commission Rate" if you will be inserting a new Rate Plan. Event type "Commission" if you will be entering a free-form flat percentage rate that doesn't need a rate plan table.
    • If you are using "Commission Rate" for rate plan, click the drop-down arrow in the Description field to select which rate plan.
    • Create a tagged list of Debtors for this Client by entering the Debtor Tab.
    • Click Find to open your Search Criteria window and select "#Mode". Enter "Active" (or "Precollect" or whatever mode is the target) in the From and To Fields.
    • Click Search to create your tagged list of target accounts.
    • Run your contact plan through Batch Processing.

    tip.gif Any time you run a mass process which manipulates data, include a NOTE type Event that includes a description of what change is being made. Example: "Updated Commission Rate From 25% To 22% per Client for 2014 Contract".

    This will write a date/time stamped noteline to every file where the change takes place, becoming a part of permanent record. As time passes and staffs turn over, clarity on why any mass data change was done can become lost. If your company makes it a mandate that all actions in the system must be clearly documented, re-investigating how/when/why something changed will be negated.

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    See Also

    - Client Topics
    - How To Start Using Collect!
    - How to set up Contact Plans

    Top of page.

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