Related Information Examples & Tutorials

Editing Web Host Samples

This topic requires knowledge of HTML coding. It gives examples of how you can customize the sample Web Host that ships with Collect!

The sample displays the Collect! logo and company information. To replace these with your own, please refer to Editing Web Host Logo, Footer And Company Details.

Some pages do not need to be edited within the Web Host reports, but in the actual include text files or index pages. These files are within the hierarchy of the HTML folder. When you want to edit a specific page, please note the URL location of the file, as each file location is relative to the HTML folder. Files located in the Operator ID folders are generated from the Web Host and thus must be edited from within the Web Host's reports.

tip.gif Any editing to the text files or index pages must be done in a text editor, such as Notepad, WordPad or Ultra Edit.

Text files are cached in RAM when they are loaded in a report. If a change is made to a text file, the Web Host instance must be shut down and restarted to refresh the cached pages and reflect the changes.

Removing/Editing A Menu Bar Choice For A Specific Page

EXAMPLE 1: On the Sign on page - remove the 'Features' and 'What Is Collect!' tabs.

1. Navigate into the HTML folder and into the Guest folder. Right click on the index.html file. From the menu, choose Open With. Choose your editor program. If your text editor program is not displayed, select 'Choose Program'. From the list, look for WordPad. Select this and choose OK.

The file will now open in WordPad to edit.

2. Scroll down until you find these two lines:

<td class="taboff"> &nbsp;<a class=taboff href="features.html"> Features</a> &nbsp;|</td>
<td class="taboff"> &nbsp;<a class=taboff href=""> What is Collect!</a> &nbsp;</td>

3. Carefully delete these two lines and save the file. When you view open Web Host, refresh the sign on page. The two tabs will be gone.

EXAMPLE 2: Removing 'Add New Debtor' tab for Client.

This editing is done from the HTML folder.

1. In the HTML folder, navigate into the user\98 folder. Open the buttonsmain.txt file in a text editor. Scroll down until you see this section:

@varClass* = "taboff" @varClass = "tabon" if (@tvarTabId = 8)
<td class="@varClass"
&nbsp;Add &nbsp;Account &nbsp;

2. You can either delete this piece or wrap it in comment code so the page ignores it, as follows.

@varClass* = "taboff"
@varClass = "tabon" if (@tvarTabId = 8)
<td class="@varClass"
&nbsp;Add &nbsp;Account &nbsp;

3. Save your changes.

EXAMPLE 3: Removing 'Submit Transaction' for a Client.

This editing is done from the Collect! Web Host reports.

1. Sign into Collect! in Web Host mode,

2. Select Print from the top menu bar and then select Edit Reports from the drop-down choices. This will display the list of all reports.

3. Scroll down to the ClientDebtorDrillDownFinances report. Click on it to open it up, then press F5 to edit the body.

4. Scroll down to the line:

@include submittransaction.txt

5. This line can either be removed or commented out by adding // at the beginning of the line, as follows.

// @include submittransaction.txt

6. After the change, press F8 to save the changes.

Top of page.

Editing Form Submission Data

EXAMPLE 1: Having the contacts submitted by a Client go to a specific operator, (for example, SC), instead of the one assigned to the account.

1. Navigate into the HTML\user\98 folder.

2. Open the submitcontact.txt file in your editor.

3. Scroll down to about line 48 to the line:

<td class="data"><input name=" collector" value="@de.op" size="3" disabled></td>

4. Change @de.op< to the specific operator
ID as shown below. Make sure you include the quotes.

<input type="hidden" name="collector" value="SC" size="3">

5. Save the file after making this change.

EXAMPLE 2: Have newly added debtors listed by clients go to a specific operator, (for example, SC).

tip.gif This modification must be done in Collect! signed into the Web Host. It requires a change to the import process.

Whenever you submit a new account it must be imported into Collect!

1. Select File from the top menu bar in Collect! Web Host, then select Import/Export from the drop-down choices. This will display a submenu. Select Customize Import/Export, Edit File Format to view the list of Web Host import maps.

2. Select the Client Add Debtor import map.

tip.gif If you want to find out what import map is used in a particular Web Host submission request, you can view the report body of the Web Host report or view the source code in the page generated in the web browser. We know we need to modify the Client Add Debtor map because viewing the coding of the ClientAddNewDebtor report in the Web Host, or the source code of the generated page in the browser, we see the following form tag.

<form name="debtor" method="post" action="import">
<input type="hidden" name="importmap" value="Client Add Debtor">

3. The File Format Specification for the Client Add Debtor import map should be open on your screen. Click into the Debtor record. Press F5 to activate the Import Field Specifications list.

4. Scroll down until you find Field Operator. Click on it to open it. Type SC in the Fill Value box. Select OK twice to return to the File Format Specification screen.

5. Click into the Contact record. Press F5 to open the Import field list.

6. Scroll down to find Collector. Click into it and set its Fill value to SC. Select OK all the way out.

When you test your modifications in Web Host, please refresh your browser, clearing your cache of temporary Internet pages.

EXAMPLE 3: Removing a field from the Client Add New Debtor screen.

This example the SSN is going to be removed.

In the web host, edit the Client Add New Debtor report. Scroll down to this section:

<td class="rlabel">SIN/SSN:</td>
<td class="data"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="23" name="sin"></td>

and remove it.

When you remove a field from a Web Host submission page, you must also remove the field from the related import map in Collect!

Import maps are used to bring in data from a Web Host page using a form submission. You can tell which import maps are used by submission pages by looking at theform tag in the source code of the Web Host report for the page.

For example:

<form method="post" name="importname" action="import">
<input type="hidden" name="importmap" value="Client Add Debtor">

The value in the input tag's value property is the import map the Web Host sends the data to when the SUBMIT button is pressed on the web submission page. This is the name of the import map in the Web Host Import File Specifications.

If a field is removed from this submission page report, it must also be removed from the matching import map. This is because when the data is submitted, it creates a CSV (comma separated file) that is imported into the database. The CSV file must match the mapping correctly.

1. Sign into Collect! in Web Host mode.

2. Select File from the top menu bar and then select Import/Export from the drop-down choices. Select Customize Import/Export, Edit File Format the submenus that appear. This opens a list of all the import maps used by Web Host.

3. Click into the Client Add Debtor map. Press F5 to activate the Import Record Definition list.

4. References to the SSN field will be removed from each record in this list.

5. Click into the Debtor record and press F5 to open the Import Field Specifications list. The Acct field should be highlighted in black.

6. Scroll down with our Down arrow key until SSN is highlighted. Then press your Delete key and choose YES to remove it. When done, select OK to return to the record list window.

7. Now, go into the Contact record. Press F5 to open the Import Field Specifications again. Scroll down again until the empty field with SIN as a Note is highlighted. Press the Delete key to delete this. Select OK to go back to your record list.

8. Go into the Note record. Press F5. Scroll down to Note SIN. Delete. Now select OK through all the windows until you are out of all the import screen.

Sign out of Web Host and back in. Then refresh your browser cache and try out your changes.

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Uploading And Attaching Files To Accounts

The Web Host is able to receive a file and place it in the appropriate Debtor attachment folder, using the supplied record type name and the File Number. The user must have a valid session cookie which is obtained by logging in.


File to upload:

to upload the file!

The "attach" field is required to tell Web Host where to place the file once it has been received. The value contains two parts separated by a semicolon. The first part is the name of the record type."client" or "debtor", the second part is the File Number.

tip.gif This functionality is available upon request for custom Web Host development.

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See Also

- Web Host Introduction
- Web Host Topics
- Modifying The Web Host

Top of page.

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