How To Sort Records In Reports
This topic discusses a report writer commands that can be
used to control the order in which records are sorted when
printing reports.
Normally, Collect! optimizes key selection automatically when
you use loops and where clauses in your reports. This means
that items in a list will be displayed in order, perhaps by file
number or date or debtor name. The order depends on the data
you are pulling into your report. This "default" order may not
suit you. In that case, there are several commands that you
can use to set the way the items in a list are ordered.
Normally, Collect! optimizes key selection automatically and
this setting overrides the default behavior to allow you to
explicitly set the report sort order.
SYNTAX: @firstkey
On a line by itself before the beginning of the loop you want to
sort through.
CASE: insensitive (capital or small letters are acceptable)
USAGE: Use this command to force the system to search and
sort by the first WHERE condition in a loop specifier.
@de no total where ( = 1000 .. 1500) where ( = A .. M)
1009 Kelley, Frank
1037 Drummond, Leonard
1090 Bernardo, Richard
1327 Christie, Laura
1328 Heinberg, Klaus
1424 Bronte, Raveena
1437 Moise, Steven
Optional Keys
The @firstkey command also works will with queries on
optional key fields. If the primary key you are using is smaller
than the optional key, then you should use the @firstkey
command as follows.
This example, using optional key @de.em, will display all
debtors who have no email address. In the example,
using @firstkey forces Collect! to query on Debtor File Number
first so that the query returns its correct results.
@de where ( > 0) where (@de.em < !) @de.em
Please see How To Filter Data With The Where Clause for
more details.
Collect! will automatically choose an index for a report
to maximize speed.
In a loop with multiple WHERE clauses, sometimes
more than one database index fits the complex search
criteria. Collect! uses a query optimizer to select the
best index in order to minimize database accesses.
This makes the report run as fast as possible, but
arbitrarily sets the reporting sort order based on the
automatically selected index.
SYNTAX: @bestkey
On a line by itself before the beginning of the loop you
want to sort through.
CASE: insensitive (capital or small letters are acceptable)
USAGE: Use this command to force the system to search
and sort by what Collect! considers as the best key found in
your WHERE conditions in the loop specifier.
@de no total where ( = A .. M) where ( = 1000 .. 1500)
1090 Bernardo, Richard
1424 Bronte, Raveena
1327 Christie, Laura
1037 Drummond, Leonard
1328 Heinberg, Klaus
1009 Kelley, Frank
1437 Moise, Steven
If you need to explicitly report records in a certain
order, please refer to the Firstkey command.
Collect! automatically displays a list starting with the lowest
number. This command reverses the order that results printed
in the report. It can also be used to reverse sorting in lists
of names.
SYNTAX: reverse
This has no @ symbol and is placed right
after the loop specifier. If there are multiple WHERE clauses in
your loop, Collect! will reverse the order based on an automatically
selected key.
This command can be used with the @firstkey
and @bestkey commands for further customization.
CASE: all lower case -- does NOT start with the @ symbol
USAGE: Reverse the order of the list in a report.
@de reverse no total where ( = 1000 .. 1500)
1437 Moise, Steven
1424 Bronte, Raveena
1328 Heinberg, Klaus
1327 Christie, Laura
1090 Bernardo, Richard
1037 Drummond, Leonard
1009 Kelley, Frank
The reverse command can be used
with @firstkey or @bestkey.
@de reverse no total where ( = 1000 .. 1500) where ( = A .. M)
1437 Moise, Steven
1424 Bronte, Raveena
1328 Heinberg, Klaus
1327 Christie, Laura
1090 Bernardo, Richard
1037 Drummond, Leonard
1009 Kelley, Frank
@de reverse no total where ( = 1000 .. 1500) where ( = A .. M)
1437 Moise, Steven
1009 Kelley, Frank
1328 Heinberg, Klaus
1037 Drummond, Leonard
1327 Christie, Laura
1424 Bronte, Raveena
1090 Bernardo, Richard
Collect!'s ORDERBY clause enables you to apply advanced
sorting to loops and nested loops in reports. You can specify
ascending or descending order for displaying the results.
Any combination of fields in any combinations of sort orders can
be used. ORDERBY can be used alone or in conjunction
with WHERE clauses to give you the exact results for complex reports.
Please refer to Help topic, Advanced Sorting in Reports for details.
Nested loop conditions might fail in certain reports due
to batch fetching interference, especially when outer/inner
loops share the same record type. To prevent this, batch
fetching may be temporarily disabled with @batchoff.
The command @batchoff switches OFF batch
fetching and @batchon switches it back ON.
This is only necessary in very particular cases where nested
loops are causing the Report Writer to fail.
Batch fetching will automatically reset to its default position,
ON, whenever a new report is printed.
For additional examples of lists, loops and where clauses,
please check the sample reports and letters that ship with
Collect! and visit our web site.
See Also
- Sort Accounts
- Advanced Sorting in Reports
- Report Sample to view sample reports and letters
- Report Topics Index for a list of all report and letter topics
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