How To Track Operations In Accounting Software
Tax regulations require you to keep detailed records of cash flow - income
and expense - and specifics regarding each. You are not required to keep
all that information in one place or in one system, but must be able to
report details on demand.
Collect! tracks all information, both income and expense that is directly
related to your clients and debtors and tracks commissions for your
collectors. Collect! does not keep track of your hydro bill, rent, etc.,
nor does it do your payroll or calculate financial statements.
The most basic of accounting software packages will handle these basic
needs not related to your collections. What you do need from Collect! is
a few magic numbers to be entered on a monthly (or more frequently,
depending on your needs) basis.
Accounts Receivable
In your accounting package you have a segment known as
accounts receivable. This segment has a number of accounts
attached to it.
Create a new attached account called Collect! accounts.
Create a revenue account possibly called collection income.
Enter the amount on the total of your Accounts Receivable summary
printed at your month end from Collect! as a posted entry.
It might look like the following:
Collect Receivable Accounts Balance |
Acct# | Description |
Debit | Credit |
1200 | Accounts Receivable | | 8000.00 |
4060 | Collect! Revenue | 8000.00 | |
This entry is the starting entry and will display an entry of $8,000 due
to you in your financial statements. With each update or new set of
invoices generated in Collect! that figure needs to change.
Assume the next month your Accounts receivable total is $10,000.
To alter the accounting system, figure enter the difference.
This is known as an offset entry, one which affects the balance of
your accounts receivable.
The posted entry might look like the following.
Collect Receivable Accounts Balance |
Acct# | Description |
Debit | Credit |
1200 | Accounts Receivable | | 2000.00 |
4060 | Collect! Revenue | 2000.00 | |
When you print your financial reports now, the accounts receivable
figure for Collect! will display $10,000 owed to you. To reduce the
display amount in your financials, post the difference from last
month's balance to this month's balance as a debit to your
Collect Revenue account.
Accounts Payable
In your accounting package you have a segment known
as accounts payable. This segment has a number of
accounts attached to it.
Create a new attached account called Collect! accounts.
Create a expense account possibly called collection expense.
Enter the amount on the total of your Accounts Payable
summary printed at your month end from Collect! as a posted entry.
It might look like the following.
Collect Payable Accounts Balance |
Acct# | Description |
Debit | Credit |
1200 | Accounts Payable | | 8000.00 |
4060 | Collect! Expense | 8000.00 | |
This entry is the starting entry and will display an entry of $8,000
owed by you in your financial statements. With each update or
new set of invoices generated in Collect! that figure needs to change.
Assume the next month your Accounts Payable total is $10,000.
To alter the accounting system figure, enter the difference.
This is known as an offset entry, one which affects the
balance of your accounts receivable.
The posted entry might look like the following.
Collect Payable Accounts Balance |
Acct# | Description |
Debit | Credit |
1200 | Accounts Payable | 2000.00 | |
4060 | Collect! Expense | | 2000.00 |
When you print your financial reports now, the
Accounts Payable figure for Collect! will display $10,000 owed
by you. To reduce the display amount in your financials,
post the difference from last month's balance to this month's
balance as a credit to your Collect! Expense account.
Collector Commissions
To track commissions, using the Operator Commissions report,
enter the amount of commission into the income area of your
accounting or payroll system for each operator.
Check Record
To track your trust bank account for reconciliation purposes
use the Daily Cash Report from Collect! You will want to report
on a monthly basis to your accounting package so the balance
in your trust account displays in your financial statements.
Create a new account in Current Assets possibly called
Collect! Trust. Use the Collect! Revenue account you created
for your accounts Receivables for the offset entry.
To bring forward the current month end account
balance post a transaction as follows.
Under GL accounts |
Acct# | Description | Debit | Credit |
1102 | Collect! Trust | 600.00 | |
4060 | Collect! Expense | | 600.00 |
At each successive reporting period, credit the amount
of the difference to increase the account balance, i.e. if
the new trust balance is $800, post the entry as $200 debit
to Collect Trust and $200 credit to Collect! Revenue. If the
new trust balance is $400, post the entry as $200 credit to
Collect Trust and $200 debit to Collect! revenue.
These items for month end entry in your accounting
system are the bare minimum and implementing them
rather than re-entering all information processed in Collect!
can save you a great deal of time.
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