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Troubleshooting Upgrading

Upgrading should be a smooth process if you have prepared your databases properly with a thorough maintenance and recalc of all totals. There are a few circumstances that can cause the upgrade to fail.

No Upgrade Prompt

If you try to upgrade and you do not see the message when you first open Collect!, this is because a previous attempt was made to upgrade. Collect! creates an upgrade folder in the new "cv11\bin" folder. If it finds the upgrade folder, it will not attempt to upgrade again.

Prompt to Begin Automated Upgrade

tip.gif If you do not see this prompt, please look in the new "cv11\bin" folder and delete the "upgrade" folder. Then start Collect! again.

Message when Upgrade is Canceled

If you select CANCEL instead of upgrading, you see this message and Collect! creates an upgrade folder in the "cv11]bin" folder.

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Missing Migrate Folder

When Collect! detects one or more databases to upgrade through the automated upgrade and after the user has selected one, Collect! will check to see if a "migrate" folder is present. If the migrate folder is not found, it will immediately display an error message and abort the upgrade.

If this error occurs, the "upgrade" folder will have to be removed manually in order to restart the auto upgrade process after adding the migrate folder and all its contents to the bin folder.

Missing Migrate Folder

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User Passwords

All Operators must have a valid Password. If the upgrade is not able to decipher the Operator's Password for any reason, for instance, if the Password is missing or is in asterisks, then the upgrade resets the password to lower case User ID and switches ON "Must change password next login." So if an Operator cannot sign in with their old password, they should try using their User ID in lower case as the Password and they will be prompted to enter a new Password.

Prompt to Enter a new Password

tip.gif Selecting the CANCEL button will return you to the Welcome to Collect! screen.

All Operators with valid Passwords will have the same Password in the new upgraded Collect!. However, the password system is now case-sensitive.

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Level 10 Admin Privilege

You may find that your User Level 10 has not been set to "Admin privilege" in the CV11 Server settings. This results in not being able to create a new operator or a new import map. To remedy this, you must sign into the CV11 Admin Tool and switch On "Admin Privilege Level" for the affected user accounts.

Please see Help topic, Using CV11 Admin - User Accounts for details.

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Cannot Backup Device

You may receive this error if you are upgrading after you have been working in or viewing the database you intend to upgrade into. This is because Collect! may be hanging on to some of the files.

Error Backing Up Device

Logout of Collect! and sign in again to proceed with the upgrade normally.

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Long File Names

One source of failed upgrades is long file names. During the upgrade, Collect! runs functions that interact with the system. Long file names and file names with spaces may cause issues. Please stick to 8 or fewer characters for your database name (with no spaces.)

Database Long File Name Error

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Network Unc Names

Network path names can cause an upgrade failure. You must perform your upgrade on the Server to a local drive.

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Not Enough Disk Space

Collect! requires extra disk space for copying and preparing files during the upgrade. You will be informed if the disk space is insufficient.

Not Enough Disk Space

To determine the available disk space, Collect! queries the operating system for the path to the upgrading process and passes the drive letter to a system function that calculates the drive space.

For instance:

If you are launching the upgrade from your C: drive then that is the drive that will be checked.

It should also be noted that if there are multiple versions of CV11, the automatic upgrade will first look on the WINDOWS drive, then it will look on the C: drive and finally on the current drive. The first one it finds will be the one it upgrades.

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File And Folder Access Rights

Collect! needs to be able to freely create, copy, replace and write to files and folders in the destination folder. If there are any READ WRITE restrictions on your permissions, you will have to correct this and try again.

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Missing Files

If your working Collect! folder is missing critical files, upgrade cannot complete successfully. If you have any doubt about the integrity of your Collect! folder, try doing a fresh installation of Collect! and then upgrade your existing database into a new installation.

Database Missing Critical Files

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Quickedit Mode In Dos Window

During the upgrade, Collect! runs DOS utilities. Clicking into a DOS window in QuickEdit mode can pause the upgrade process.

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Other Issues

System maintenance. Upgrade may fail if your system is not in good working order. Try running scandisk and defrag and then try the upgrade again.

Hardware failure. If your hard drive fails during the upgrade, the process is halted in an unstable mode. The database is completely unreliable at this point. You will have to restore from your backup and start again after you have resolved your hardware issues.

Power failure. If a power failure or fluctuation occurs during the upgrade, the process is halted in an unstable mode. The database is completely unreliable at this point. You will have to restore from your backup and start again after the power is restored or stabilized.

Natural disaster. If a flood or earthquake occurs during the upgrade, the process is halted in an unstable mode. The database is completely unreliable at this point. You will have to restore from your backup and start again.

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See Also

- Introduction To Upgrading
- Upgrading Topics

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