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Web Host User And Status Pick Lists

With the improvement of speed and efficiency of the Web Host reports, the Web Host now uses several reports to create pick list files for the Operator/Sales selection, the Status Code selection and the list of letters that may be printed from the Web Host.

These reports are:

  • Update operator listing
  • Update status listing
  • Debtor letter listing

These reports must be printed "to file" from Collect! in Web Host mode to update the selection lists with your current operators, status codes, and letters that you set up to print from the Web Host. The resulting list files are automatically saved to the HTML/ User folder.

Updating Operator From Edit Page

When changing a collector, Collect! works a little differently. Since the Web Host does not work exactly as being in Collect!, we need to take an extra step. When an operator has changed the Collector from the Edit page and has submitted the change, an Operator contact is created and the Collector field is not updated immediately. The reason we can not write directly back to the Collector is because the contacts that are currently In Progress for that collector also need to be changed.

For example, if you were working in Collect!, an account assigned to JC may have In Progress contacts, as well, assigned to JC. If we change to collector to SC, Collect! will reassign the In Progress contacts as well. To accomplish this in Web Host, we create an Operator contact. Throughout the day, you may change the collector on several of your accounts, resulting in several Operator contacts.

To update the In Progress contacts for these accounts, you would run batch processing at some point during the day.

To do this:

Select Tools from the top menu bar and then select Batch Processing. Select ' Process automatic contacts previously scheduled' And select the NEXT button. Choose 'Selected contacts only', choose Operator Assignments and select the NEXT button. Then select START. This will execute any in progress Operator contacts, reassign the In Progress contacts as well, and complete the Operator contacts so they are not picked up the next time.

This can be run as many times as you like during the day to update your Operator assignments.

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See Also

- Web Host Topics

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