How To Create A Language Specific User Level
You can have different operators see different things on the Collect! screen. This feature can be used to support different
languages. In the example below, a new User Level is created and a new user is assigned to the level. The name of a form
and a field label are changed. You may sign in as the new user to examine the results of the changes.
Creating A New User Level
To create a new user level, start with a template provided by Collect!.
1. Sign on as 99/99 to your Demodb Database.
2. Select System from the top menu bar and then select Rights, User Levels. The list of User Levels is displayed.
3. Highlight the Junior Collector user level (60).
4. Select Edit from the top menu bar and then select Copy from the drop-down choices.
5. Select Edit from the top menu bar again and then select Paste. Now you have two Junior Collector user levels.
The copied user level must be edited now so that it has unique settings.
1. Select the second Junior Collector User Level 60 to open the User Level form. Change the Code number from 60 to 62.
2. Change the Description from Junior Collector to Spanish Collector.
3. Press the F8 key to save and exit. Then exit until you are back at the Main Menu.
Creating A New User
To assign an operator to the new user level that was just created:
1. Select System from the top menu bar and then select Rights, Operators from the drop-down choices. The list of Operators will
be displayed.
2. Select the NEW button to create a new operator.You should see a blank Operator form.
3. Fill in an ID code (JCS) and a Password.
4. Select User Level 62.
5. Select Collector from the Type pick list.
6. Press the F8 key to save and exit to the Main Menu.
Assign An Account To The New Operator
Test your settings by assigning an account to the new operator and scheduling a review so that it appears in their WIP List.
You may examine the account to verify the changes that were made.
1. Select Browse from the top menu bar and then select All Debtors from the drop-down choices.
2. Select the first debtor with Active in the Mode column. The Debtor form will be displayed.
3. Select the Contacts tab. Either a list of contacts is displayed, or you will be prompted to create a new one.
4. Create a new Contact. By default, it should be a Review type scheduled for today.
5. Change the Operator ID to JCS, or whatever you set as the Spanish operator ID.
6. Press F8 and get back to the Main Menu.
Changing A Form Label
You may modify the Debtor form name for your new Spanish operator.
1. Select System from the top menu bar and then select Access Rights from the drop-down choice. A
list all the forms and fields in the system is displayed.
2. In the list of scroll down to debtor.
3. Select this row to open the Access Rights form.
4. Click in the Form Rights list to select the Spanish Operator level created earlier.
5. In the Alias, type the Spanish word for Debtor.
Changing A Field Label
You may modify field labels on forms using the same method described above.
1. Press Page Down on your keyboard while you are still on the "debtor" Access Rights form and the
field debtor:name is displayed. The Spanish Operator level will probably not be in the Form Rights list yet.
2. Click into the Form Rights list and create a new Form Rights record.
3. Choose the Rights to that field (in this case Read Only for a Junior Collector).
4. Choose the Level 62, Spanish Collector.
5. Enter the Spanish word for Name into the Alias field.
6. Press the F8 key to save and exit to the Main Menu.
After making changes to access rights, it is very important to rebuild rights. From the System menu, select Rights,
Access Rights. Select the REBUILD button to update Collect! to recognize any changes you may have made.
Testing The New Operator
Everything needed to support a new language is completed.
To examine the new settings:
1. Exit from Collect!.
2. Start Collect! and sign on as the new operator. Your WIP list should be displayed and the account assigned should be in the
list. If the account doesn't appear in the list then please review the step above, Assign An Account To The New Operator.
3. Select the account in the list. The Debtor form will open and you should see that the Name of the form and the Debtor Name
field both display the aliases entered above.
Aliasing More Fields
You may change the labels of other fields as needed.
1. Exit from Collect! and sign into Collect! as 99/99.
2. Then repeat the step, Changing A Field Label, as many times as necessary, to alias fields on the form.
3. Test your changes by signing on as the Spanish Collector.
Operators are restricted to viewing only a few forms. You won't need to alias all fields in the system, just do the
main ones needed for the operator level you are aliasing.
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