Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Daily Administration

The Daily Administration menu provides easy access to today's payments, transactions and new business.

Payments And Charges opens the Payments and Charges menu where you can enter Debtor and Client payments and other financial transactions, reconcile payments, and print your Daily Cash Report.

Daily Batch Processes includes printing daily letter batches, recalculating Debtor accrued interest and fees, and automatically processing contacts.

New Business allows you to create new Debtor and Client records.

You can print letters of acknowledgment to your clients through the New Business option. A summary of all new listings for today or for a selected date range is also available.

Browse Daysheets allows you to review your whole history of transactions and payments.

Payments And Charges

Select this button to open the Payments and Charges menu, where you can apply payments and charges to Debtor accounts or to Client accounts. Here, you can also print your Daily Cash Report.

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Daily Batch Processes

Select this button to open the Daily Batch Processing menu where you can

  1. Print Scheduled Batch Letters
  2. Do Batch Processing on Accounts
  3. Calculate Totals on Clients, Debtors and Daysheets

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New Business

Select this button to open the New Business menu where you can:

  1. Create New Clients
  2. Create New Debtors
  3. Sort Debtor Records
  4. Print a New Business Report
  5. Print Client Acknowledgment Reports
  6. Print Work Cards

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Browse Daysheets

Select this button to view the list of all daysheets. From there you can select the Daysheet for any day to do various functions.

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Select this button for Help on the Daily Administration menu and links to related topics.

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Select this button to close the Daily Administration menu and return to the previous screen.

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