Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Edit Menu

The Edit menu accesses the basic editing commands for creating and deleting records in the database.

These commands typically work with the record you are currently editing.

The Edit menu also allows you to select records from lists and tag them for grouping, printing or other operations.

Commands (and their keystrokes) include:

  • New - Ctrl+N or F3 key
  • Modify - F4 key
  • Delete - Del key or F7 key
  • --------------------------
  • Cut - Ctrl+X or SHIFT+F5
  • Copy - Ctrl+C or SHIFT+F4
  • Paste - Ctrl+V or SHIFT+F3
  • Clear Clipboard
  • --------------------------
  • Find - Ctrl+F
  • Search and Replace
  • Clear Search Criteria
  • --------------------------
  • Select Record
  • Select All - Ctrl+A
  • Select Number of Records
  • Clear Tags
  • View Tags

Useful Note Always check the prompt on the bottom left of the screen to determine the type of record you will edit.


This command creates a new record of the same type as the one you are currently on.

The new record will typically be blank. In some cases, some of the record's fields will be filled automatically.

Look at the bottom left of the screen. If it displays "Browsing" or "Editing" observe the entry next to this box. This is the current type of record, and by choosing New, you will get a new record of that type.

You can also press the F3 key instead of using the Edit menu.

Useful Note Always check the prompt on the bottom left of the screen to determine the type of record you will create.

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Press F4 or select this menu item to begin editing the current record.

If you are on a list, selecting Modify will open the item that you are on.

If you are in a form, the cursor will move onto the first editable field on the form, or the last field you edited on that form.

Look at the bottom left of the screen. If it displays "Browsing" or "Editing" observe the entry next to this box. This is the current type of record, and by choosing Modify, you will be able to edit the currently selected one.

Useful Note Always check the prompt on the bottom left of the screen to determine the type of record you will edit.

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This function deletes the current record.

If the record has member records, they may also be automatically deleted by the system.

Look at the bottom left of the screen. If it displays "Browsing" or "Editing" observe the entry next to this box. This is the current type of record, and by choosing Delete you will delete the currently selected one.

You can also press the F7 key instead of using the Edit menu.

Useful Note Always check the prompt on the bottom left of the screen to determine the type of record you will delete.

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Cuts the current record from the list into the Clipboard. Pressing SHIFT + F5 will do the same action as selecting Edit, Cut.

You must then paste the record into another place in the list. You can cut more than one record, and then all records that you cut will be pasted when you select the Paste command.

Look at the bottom left of the screen. If it displays "Browsing" or "Editing" observe the entry next to this box. This is the current type of record, and by choosing Cut you'll remove that record from the current list.

Useful Note Always check the prompt on the bottom left of the screen to determine the type of record you will cut.

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Copies the contents of the current record into the Clipboard. Pressing SHIFT + F4 will to the same action as selecting Edit, Copy.

You can paste one or more copies of the record into another or the same list. You can also copy more than one record at a time. Each time you paste, the system will duplicate every record you originally copied.

Look at the bottom left of the screen. If it displays "Browsing" or "Editing" observe the entry next to this box. This is the current type of record, and by choosing Copy you'll make a copy of that record that you can paste somewhere else.

Useful Note Always check the prompt on the bottom left of the screen to determine the type of record you will copy.

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This command pastes from the Clipboard into the current list. Pressing SHIFT + F3 will to the same action as selecting Edit, Paste.

Records are placed after the current record in the list.

If the list is empty, you will first have to create a blank record. Then you can paste from the Clipboard into the new list. After pasting, you should delete the blank record you created.

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This command lets you filter the current list. Pressing F6 will perform same action as selecting Edit, Find.

You can filter the list to display only those records that match the conditions you set. For example, you could search for accounts with status of ACT, or transactions over a date range.

When filtering is on, a red 'S' appears on the bottom line of the screen.

When you filter a list you can use the resulting sub-list to print reports or letters. All the functions available in an unfiltered list are also available in filtered lists. This means that if you choose Quick Print, you'll get a print of the sub-list; if you choose Print Reports and Letters, you can print letters to only those people in the sub-list; and, if you choose Edit, Delete All, you will only delete the records in the sub-list.

These filtering capabilities are very flexible. Any field in a given type of record can be used as filter criteria, and you can choose any number of fields in your search criteria.

This command is only available when you are on a record.

Useful Note Look at the bottom left of the screen. If it displays "Browsing" or "Editing" observe the entry next to this box. This is the current type of record. Then, when you use Find, you can filter the list according to your specific criteria.

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Search And Replace

Select Search and Replace to open a dialog where you can type in a string to look for in the database. Select the field you wish to search and enter a search string and, optionally, a replace string. You can select other settings to refine your search.

Useful Note You can use this utility on any list. You must have the list open invoking Search and Replace.

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Clear Search Criteria

This command clears all filters set with the Find command.

If you have set search criteria with the Find command, you may not be able to access very many records. To display all records, use this command.

When you have set filtering search criteria, a red 'S' appears in the bottom line of the screen. Use this command to clear all filters. The red 'S' will be extinguished.

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Select Record

This command TAGS or UNTAGS the record your cursor is highlighting. Pressing the spacebar while highlighting a record achieves the same effect as using this command.

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Select All

This command tags all records showing in the list - a shortcut to do an action with all the records showing.

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Select Number Of Records

This command opens a prompt for the number of records you want to select in the underlying list. A list must be opened for this to work.

This command starts tagging with the current record. One or more records can be tagged. Use the arrow keys to move to the first record that you want tagged. You can tell which records are tagged as they will change to a different color.

When you tag records in a list, you can use the tag list to print reports or letters. All the functions available in an unfiltered list are also available in tagged lists. That means that if you choose Quick Print, you will get a printout of the tag list. If you choose Print Reports and Letters, you can print letters to only those people in the tag list. If you choose Edit, Delete, you will delete the records in the tag list.

To delete a group of records:

  1. Select Browse from the top menu bar and select a type of record.
  2. Tag a set of records.
  3. Select Edit from the top menu bar and select Delete.

To print to a group of tagged records:

  1. Tag a group of Debtors or Clients.
  2. Select Print from the top menu bar and select Reports and Letters.
  3. Select the report or letter you want and select Print.

To use record tagging with Batch Processing:

  1. Select Tools from the top menu bar and then select Batch Processing.
  2. Select Run Contact Plans and then select NEXT.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Each form in Collect! has its own list of tagged records. You may have a tag list of Clients and a list of tagged Transaction records. Tag functions only use the tag list of the current type of record.

Useful Note Look at the bottom left of the screen. If it displays "Browsing" or "Editing" observe the entry next to this box. This is the current type of record, and by choosing Tag Record, you will add an entry into the Tag list of that type of record.

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Clear Tags

This command clears the Tag list of the current type of record.

Each form in Collect! has its own list of tagged records. You may have a tag list of Clients and a list of tagged transaction records. If desired, you can also clear these underlying tagged lists, as well as the list you are currently viewing.

When the "Clear Tags" prompt is displayed:

Select NO to clear only the tags in the currently displayed list.

Select YES to clear tags in any underlying lists as well.

Select CANCEL to close the Clear Tags prompt without clearing any tags.

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View Tags

This command will reduce the list on the screen to ONLY the Tagged records.

This command in the Edit menu lets you view tagged records only, or all records. This means that you can scan a list and tag a group of records, then choose the View Tags command in the Edit menu and the list is reduced to only tagged records. The command in the menu changes to View All, and by choosing this command, Collect! re-displays the whole list, tagged records being highlighted.

A neat trick in any list is to use F6 Find to pick a set of records, then use Edit, Select All. Next, use Find to pick a different set, and choose Select All to add this new set to the ones already tagged. Repeat this until you've built up your selected list, and finally choose View Tags to display the complete list of all records you have selected.

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View All

When you have tagged records and selected the VIEW TAGS menu item, the menu item will actually rename itself to VIEW ALL. When View All is selected, the entire list is redisplayed with your tagged items highlighted.

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Grouping Debtors With Tags

When you have tagged Debtors through the Debtor list, you have proceeded to a function to group debtors together. Once you have selected or tagged a group of Debtors, select the item to group them together as a logical group.

This function works well with two concepts in mind:

  1. Group matching Debtors together to work them as a single entity - sharing address changes, note files, etc.
  2. Group Debtor records together so that searching for a particular Debtor will bring forth a group they are attached to - great for multiple contacts when working a primary Debtor.

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