Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Network And Environment

The Network and Environment Menu enables you to control many settings for managing your system and network configurations, Web Host operation, database management, archiving and replication, viewing any logged changes/deletions/creations to debtor or system files by date range to see which user IDs have enacted updates of interest on your system.

This menu is available through the System menu.

Settings in the following areas may be controlled from this menu.

Active Users

Select this option to view the Network Activity list. The list will display the Operator ID's for all users signed into the system.

Useful Note Only available in Shared mode.

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Network Settings

Select this option to open the Database Preferences form where default settings are stored for sign in mode, database to open, log and message paths, email server address and maximum allowed Web Host users.

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Change History Settings

Select this option to open the Change History Settings form where you can enable change history logging and choose the types of database information you want to log in your change log.

Logging changes allows you to determine who made changes to debtor or system files by date range to see which user IDs have enacted updates of interest on your system. This enables you to restore data to a previous state, if necessary.

Useful Note Access to the Change History Settings form is restricted to User Levels 1, 10 and 99.

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Security Certificates

Select this option to open the SSL Keys and Certs form that enables you to generate security keys and certificate requests for use with Collect! Web Host.

Useful Note This requires the use of a third party security tool for secure Internet access.

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Trusted Hosts

Select this option to list the IP addresses which Web Host can receive requests from while bypassing security authentication. Among other uses, this enables predictive dialers to speak directly to the Web Host. Please refer to the help topic, Trusted Hosts, for more information.

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Read Configuration File

Select this option to view the collect.ini file that shows all your system configuration settings.

This file must first be written by selecting the Write Configuration File option.

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Write Configuration File

Select this option to write all your system configuration settings to a collect.ini file stored in the Collect\config directory.

This file may be viewed by selecting the Read Configuration File option.

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Set Operator Messages

Select this option to display messages for all operators in the Title Bar and Status Bar of the Collect! screen. You must be signed in as a user with Level 99 to use this feature.

Please refer to the Help topic How to Set Operator Messages for further information.

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Launch Database Admin Tool

Select this option to open the RDS Admin Tool, a convenient graphical interface where you can view all user accounts and database devices registered with the RDM Server, run administrative tasks and also view or modify configuration settings in the rdmserver.ini and the connect.ini. ODBC users can also perform SQL queries with the SQL Browser option.

This tool is for the RDS database only. If you are looking to access the SQL Management Studio, please refer to Microsoft Documentation.

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