Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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System Menu

The System Menu contains choices for managing settings that pertain to your whole system. These settings are divided into several categories.

Press F1 for detailed information about each of these options.

Change Password

Select this option to change the password you use to sign into Collect!. The new password with take effect the next time you sign into the system. Please refer to the Help topic, Change Your Password for more information.

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Company Details

Select this option to open the Company Details form where you can enter the following information.

The Company Details form stores:

  • Your Company's Name and Address
  • Your Company Representative
  • Company phone and fax numbers
  • Your tax registration number (if applicable)
  • Current default tax rate
  • Last Client code number used when creating new Clients.
  • Company accounting defaults

*** IMPORTANT *** Company information is pulled into reports and letters as you designate. Please make sure you set up your Company Details so that your reports and letters contain correct Company information when you are ready to print.

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Select this option to view the Operators and Security Menu choices. The Operators and Security menu enables you to manage access and security rights for your operators.

Areas set up from this menu include:

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Layout And Languages

Select this option to view the Layout and Languages Menu choices. The Layout and Languages Menu enables you to control many aspects of Collect!'s user interface. These settings affect what the operator sees when viewing forms and lists.

Areas set up from this menu include:

  • Form Properties
  • Field Properties
  • Reset Tab Order
  • Reset List Columns
  • Read Form Properties From CSV File
  • Write Form Properties To CSV File
  • Commit Form Properties To Database

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Financial Settings

Select this option to view the Financial Settings Menu choices. The Financial Settings Menu enables you to control all the settings used when working your accounts financially. These settings affect posting payments and fees to accounts and reporting to credit bureaus.

Areas set up from this menu include:

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Contact Management Settings

Select this option to view the Contact Management Settings Menu choices. The Contact Management Settings Menu contains settings for the functions in Collect! that enable you and your operators to work accounts.

Areas set up from this menu include:

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Network And Environment

Select this option to view the Network and Environment Menu choices. The Network and Environment Menu enables you to control many settings for managing your system and network configurations, Web Host operation, database management, archiving and replication, viewing any logged changes/deletions/creations to debtor or system files by date range to see which user IDs have enacted updates of interest on your system.

Areas set up from this menu include:

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Select this option to view the Diagnostics Menu choices. The Diagnostics Menu enables you to view logs generated during normal system operation and other system statistics. This information is useful for troubleshooting and documenting procedures.

These logs may be accessed from this menu:

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Software License

Select this option to open the License Information form where you are able to review options you are licensed for, or review the number of users your license allows.

Useful Note To enter a new license code, please sign out and select the LICENSE button on the Welcome to Collect! screen.

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Send Database Via FTP

Select this option to open the Send Database Via FTP form. This function enables you to easily send required information to Collect! Technical Services. You may select the data to send and simply select the Send Database button. Your data is automatically encrypted for security and uploaded to Comtech's FTP site.

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Select this option to display the System Setup menu. All system options and settings may be accessed and controlled from this form.

It is very important that your system is set up properly from the beginning. Please press F1 for Help on the various aspects of this process when you are viewing the System Setup menu.

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