How To Store Scanned Documents In Accounts
Scanned documents can be attached to accounts in Collect!
This allows you to quickly display diverse information related to
an account.
This document defines:
* The method Collect! uses to manage different document types.
* An advanced method for attaching scanned documents to accounts.
- Use scanners
- Review Help on Attachment
- Use Windows directories
- Review Help on Import/Export
Attach scanned documents to accounts -- any number of scanned images.
* pictures
* word processing documents
* invoices
* legal records
* NSF checks
* medical records
* credit bureau reports
* email
and any other document that you can display in Windows
can all be attached to an account and recalled instantly.
No need for collectors to waste valuable time searching
over crowded file cabinets to pull the right piece of paper.
Collect! is extremely flexible. If Windows can display the
file type Collect! can attached it to an account. Plus each
attachment can have several indexes that make documents
fast and easy to retrieve.
The beauty of this is that whatever the external file information
is, an operator can quickly and easily retrieve it to screen
without ever leaving the account.
Working With External Files In Collect!
Collect! lets you use the complete flexibility of Windows to
handle different external file types. You can create any number
of files attached to an account.
* Collect! needs to know the full file path and name of the
Attachment record. For example, D:\WebPages\1004a.html
* You need to be sure there's an Association in Windows for
the file type.
See your Windows Help documentation if you are not sure
how to create an Association in Windows for a file type. Most
standard files are already associated and you don't have to do
* When you select the filename in the attachment, Collect!
uses the functionality of Windows to open the correct program and
display the file.
Windows can only display files when a program that
reads the file is installed on your computer. For instance, Word
opens when you try to display a .doc file, or else Word Perfect
opens, for some users. Excel opens when you try to display
an *.xls file. What opens when you try to display a *.png file? It
could be Internet Explorer unless you have a graphics program
installed on your computer. File types are associated with
programs that you have installed---programs that are meant to
read that particular file type. Another example is *.pdf files. These
are very popular now, for long documents from the web.
What does Windows look for to read these files? Windows
tries to launch Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is installed on
your computer.
Collect! Attachment Form Basics
The Collect! Attachment form is used to attach
miscellaneous information to a Debtor record. The
Attachment form contains several indexed fields for
fast access, and also contains quite a few user
definable fields.
You have numerous fields available to help you
describe your attachments. If you don't need a lot
of descriptions you can just leave the fields blank.
One special field is the 'File' field. It is 255 characters
long and lets you store a fully qualified Win32 filename.
The 'File' field contains the name of the file that is
attached to the account, for example: D:\WebPages\1004a.html.
When you double-click the filename, or select the File Open
icon to the right of the filename, the file is displayed by Windows.
See Also:
- Beyond the Basics
Automatically Attach Files To Accounts
To use this method, each document must be linked to
an Debtor's account in Collect! Create a list that contains
the account File Number and then the name of the file you
want to attach to this Debtor account. Then import the list
into Collect!.
The Import/Export feature is enabled in the
Demonstration database for your examination. However,
the module is Optional and may have to be purchased
before you can use this feature in your working Masterdb
Typically such a list can be generated by some of the
scanning systems with OCR (Optical Character Recognition.)
Create a list containing at least the following information.
1. Debtor File Number (Account Number) - this is used to
connect the file to a Debtor record.
2. File Name - this is the name of the scanned image file.
This information should be either fixed length or CSV ASCII
format. Your scanning/OCR software should be able to
create a file based on information scanned in. The two items
shown above are the minimum amount of data required to
make it work.
The import program must create an Attachment record for
each file you want associated with an account. In the
Attachment record is the filename of the Attachment. The
Debtor File Number is used to attach the scanned file to
the correct Debtor.
To import a batch of scanned (or other) documents,
examine the Debtor's Attachment record, and decide
which fields you want to use to describe the Attachment.
There are several fields in the Attachment form that are
indexed and available for searching via the Browse menu
Find By option.
By using the output of your OCR software and importing
the data into Collect! you can create a well indexed set
of documents instantly available.
If you have an ASCII text file from a credit
bureau or another agency, and it contains the Debtor
File numbers, Collect! may be able to read this directly
during the import routine, eliminating the need for
creating a list and/or OCR scanning. Please see
How To Attach Credit Reports To Debtor Accounts.
See Also:
- Import/Export
Document Imaging Case Study
Our client manages receivables for a large number
of apartment complexes for clients of theirs.
For each account our client receives, they have several
paper documents. Each operator must be able to instantly
retrieve all relevant documents for an account from their
Desktop computers. Additionally, team based contact
management and financial tracking to follow payment and
charges history is a necessity.
Using a high performance scanner, a WORM (Write Once
Read Many) jukebox, and Collect!, all requirements
were met with an excellent cost benefit ratio that did not
include the purchase of additional file cabinets.
As new accounts come into the system, they are first
entered or imported into Collect! Then associated documents
are scanned and placed onto the WORM jukebox. These
documents are simultaneously attached to the appropriate
account in Collect! This completes the data entry portion of
the operation.
At that point in the life of the account, letter series are run,
and finally unresolved accounts are routed to operator work
queues. As the operators contact accounts, the associated
contracts are instantly available to be faxed or emailed to
the individuals.
This system is simple, clean and cost effective, and allows
this organization to streamline their operations and realize
increased efficiency.
See Also
- Attached Documents
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