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TCN Call Campaigns

Collect! ships with default reports for extracting your call campaign data to send to TCN for dialing, and default import routines for processing campaign results. You can modify any of these elements to suit your individual site preferences and criteria.

Process TCN Campaign

The two functions that TCN batch processing performs are:

TCN Select Function

To access these screens, the menu path is "Tools\Batch Processing\ Process TCN Campaign\TCN Select Function".

At this juncture, you will be presented with two radio button options:

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Schedule Calls

The TCN Schedule Calls process is used when you want to generate a fresh call campaign and upload it to TCN to be dialed. This function uses preset reports from your Print menu that export to a csv file. The debtors and other data gathered will be as per the report logic conditions that were used to define the output criteria.

Collect! ships with 3 default TCN campaign extract templates to choose from. ALL 3 have a conditional requirement that only accounts with the Status of "TCN" will be considered. There are no status excludes, balance ranges, client specificity, list date ranges etc. built into these reports.

If your company has specific criteria by which you want to select your files for call campaigns, then pleases review the shipping defaults and make modifications. Alternatively, you contact Technical Services to explore your customization options.

In order to have seamless interfacing with TCN, the only aspect that has to remain the same is the actual report names: TCN has their intake criteria set up to read the specific Collect! reports by report Name AND the column order with content.

The 3 campaign extract reports are called:

1. TCN Schedule Calls Home#/Zip

This report outputs accounts that are statused "TCN", and who do not have a blank home # field. It exports the debtor name, file number, home # and a zip code for each qualifying debtor account.

2. TCN Home#/POE#/Cell#/Other#/Zip

This report outputs accounts that are statused "TCN", and exports file number, name, all 4 phone numbers home/POE/ Cell/Other if present, and zip code for each qualifying debtor account. It does not do any conditional logic checks to see if any of the phone fields are populated.

3. TCN Schedule Calls All Data/Zip

This report outputs accounts that are statused "TCN", and exports file number, name, all 4 phone numbers home/POE/Cell/Other if present, client account number, charge date, last worked date, client name, client number, balance owing and zip code for each qualifying debtor account. It does not do any conditional logic checks to see if any of the phone fields are populated.

You can make copies of these reports to use as a template to create your own modified versions that incorporates the filtering criteria that you wish to use to qualify what accounts you want selected for the campaigns.

Some examples of the most common conditional logic filters used for includes/excludes are: list date range, statuses, balance range, specific States/Provinces for compliance on contact limitation regions, and specific client focus campaigns.

tip.gif If you have need to make larger scale changes to the extract outputs, this can be done but has to be coordinated with TCN, whose system's intake/import routines have to be able to expect and read what you are sending them. Please make technical inquiries with us and TCN for more information on this advanced usage.

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Download Report

The TCN Download Report process is used when you want to download your campaign results and import the details into the debtor files which were in that call campaign.

Collect! ships with 3 TCN Download import maps that can be used. Depending on your internal practices and client requirements, you may also choose to utilize more than one import per result download if, for example, you needed to see campaign results in debtor Notes AND as a completed Contact event in your Contacts Tab on each debtor in the campaign.

  • TCN Download Report - Contact
    This import map brings in results and creates a completed Phone Contact.

  • TCN Download Report - Notes
    This import map writes results to Notes instead of creating a Contact.

  • TCN Call Report with Call ID
    This import map brings in results and creates a completed Phone Contact with the name of the recorded WAV file in the Attachment field.

tip.gif The "Call ID" import should only be used only when you have set up an agreement with TCN for recorded calls to be included in your result downloads.

Unless there is an audit trail requirement or you have a recorded calls to be attached to the call result contact, we recommend the "Notes" import to process a "Call report" from TCN so that you don't flood your database with otherwise unnecessary Contacts. Depending on your database size, vast increases in your Contact record counts could have other processing time detriments as pertains to non-dialer related tasks which need to read through the entire Contacts sub-file in your system (such as Credit Reporting).

Please refer to Help topic, Processing Results from Call Campaigns for details.

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Recorded Calls

TCN has the ability to record the calls in your campaign and return a WAV file for each call. These are uniquely named with a "Call ID" that is stored in the Attachment description field within the Phone Contact it creates. See the Help topic, TCN Recorded Calls for details.

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Scrub By ZIP

Scrub by ZIP is a service that TCN provides to extract 'do not call' areas out of your campaign lists. You will need to activate this service with your TCN representative if you wish your lists to be scrubbed.

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Scrub Cell Phone

Cell phone scrubbing is a service that TCN provides. You will need to activate this service with your TCN representative.

tip.gif The TCN Module is an add-on functionality. Contact Administration at 250-391-0466 option 3 for pricing options.

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See Also

- TCN Topics

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