Operator Email
This section of the Operator form sets Email parameters
for the operator. The settings are explained below.
Operator Email
Email Signature
Collect! will add the contents of the file displayed in this
field to your outgoing emails. You can simply type in the
name of a file to use.
Collect! looks in the Collect\config\email folder by default.
You can create different signature files for
different operators. If you have a disclaimer,
caveat or any text message of several
paragraphs that you would like to always
include in each email, you can simply
create a signature file in Notepad and save
it as a TXT file in Collect\config\email.
Email Server IP
Enter the IP address of your Email Server.
Enable SMTP
Select this to switch on Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,
one of the standard mail transfer protocol that Collect!
can use with the Email feature.
When this switch is OFF, Collect! uses your operating
system's MAPI interface, by default.
This switch must be ON if you want to send email as
HTML. Please refer to How To Send Email As HTML
for details.
This setting is recommended if you are
sending batches of email in your
Scheduled Batch Letters.
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