Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Group Financial Summary

At a glance, this view gives you a summary of all the debtor's financial information for the group, including charges, payments and outstanding balances. Overpayments, interest, fees and adjustments are displayed as well. For interest and loan accounts, amounts needed to bring the account to current are also displayed.

Group Financial Summary

Useful Note To access this form, select the Owing field on the Matching Account form via the Debtor's Group tab.


This is a read only field displaying the debtor's Group Number. This is taken from the field on the Debtor form labeled 'Group'.

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This is a read only field displaying the current date. This is your system's date. It is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the Collect! window. Please ensure that you see the correct date in this field.

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The figures in this column are the total charges posted and accrued for this particular group for each Financial Type.

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The figures in this column are the total payments posted for this particular group for each Finacial Type.

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Total Owing

The figures in this column are the total outstanding Owing amounts for this particular group for each Financial Type. It represents the difference between the Charges and the Paid.

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Current Owing

The figures in this column are the amounts needed to bring the group to current. This columns applies to Amortized Interest groups.

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This is the total amount of any Adjustments posted to this this group.

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This is the total amount of any Overpayment calculated on this account.

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Early Payoff Savings

This field applies only for Amortized Interest accounts when the account is paid off before the end of the term. It displays the Early Payoff Savings taken from the Interest Detail settings for this account.

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This row contains the totals for each of the columns: Charges, Paid, Total Owing, Current Owing.

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Select this button to close the Group Financial Summary form.

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