Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Use The Financial Calculation Log

The Financial Calculation Log is a tool that allows you to review the financial calculations for an account.

When a recalculation is done on an account, the recalc process outputs the data to a text file.

The contents of the text file can be copied and pasted in to Microsoft Excel.

Enabled The Calculation Log

Enabling the Calculation Log is simply adding /calclog to your Collect! shortcut.

  1. Right-click your Collect! shortcut.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Click in to the Target field and move the cursor to the end.
  4. Add a space and type in "/calclog" without the quotes.
  5. Click OK to save.

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Run A Recalculation On An Account

  1. Navigate to the Debtor account that you want to review.
  2. Click the Recalc button.
  3. Leave the account open.

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Open The Text File

  1. Navigate to your Collect\bin folder.
  2. Open the calclog.txt file with a text editor.

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Copy The Data To Excel

  1. Use Ctrl + A to select all of the contents of the calclog.txt file.
  2. Use Ctrl + C to copy the text.
  3. Open a Blank Workbook in Excel.
  4. With the cursor in cell A1, use Ctrl + V to paste the text.
  5. Highlight the following Columns:
    • C - date
    • D - newCalcDate
    • Q - calcDate
  6. Use Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box.
  7. Select the Date Category.
  8. Select the Date Type that you prefer.
  9. Click OK.

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Review The Results

The Excel file is divided into 3 main sections:

  • Transaction Data (Columns B to O)
  • Running Totals (Columns S to AG)
  • Excel Formulas (Columns AI to AL)

Transaction Data

This data comes directly from the Transactions in Collect!. A START and END entry are added to show where Collect! starts and ends the interest calculations. Typically, the Start Date should match the Original Principal date, depending on how you enter your data.

Column Letter Column Name Description
B type Financial Type
C date Payment Date
D newCalcDate Date to use for transactions that update interest.
E newRate Records the new rate when a 499 - Accrued Interest transaction is posted.
F value To Us + Direct
G principal Changes to the total principal on the account, such as Original Principal.
H interest Changes to the total interest on the account, such as Original or Accrued Interest.
I toInterest Payment to Interest.
J toPrincipal Payment to Principal.
K toFees Payment to Fees.
L toLegal Payment to Legal.
M toAdjust Payment to Adjustments.
N toMisc Payment to Misc.
O toOther Payment to Other.

Running Totals

This section has cumulative running totals for each financial type charge and payment. This is useful when trying to review Payment Breakdown.

Entries for Judgements will reset the totals to 0.00 as Judgements overrule all prior financials.

Column Letter Column Name Description
Q calcDate Date used for financial calculations.
R calcRate Current Interest Rate
S totalPayment Cumulative Sum of Payments
T totalInterest Cumulative Sum of Interest
U totalPrincipal Cumulative Sum of Princial
V totalFees Cumulative Sum of Fees
W totalLegal Cumulative Sum of Legal
X totalAdjust Cumulative Sum of Adjustments
Y totalMisc Cumulative Sum of Misc
Z totalOther Cumulative Sum of Other
AA totalToInterest Cumulative Sum of Payments to Interest
AB totalToPrincipal Cumulative Sum of Payments to Principal
AC totalToFees Cumulative Sum of Payments to Fees
AD totalToLegal Cumulative Sum of Payments to Legal
AE totalToAdjust Cumulative Sum of Payments to Adjustments
AF totalToMisc Cumulative Sum of Payments to Misc
AG totalToOther Cumulative Sum of Payments to Other

Excel Formulas

This section has Excel formulas that reference the Running Totals section to mathematically compare the data to Collect!'s internal calculations.

Column Letter Column Name Description
AI OWING =SUM(T{row}:Z{row})-S{row}: Sum of cumulative charges less cumulative payments
AJ PERIODS =IF(AND(B{row}<>"JUD PRINCIPAL",OR(Q{row-1}days since the last transaction or event.
AK INTEREST = IF(AND(AJ{row} > 0,(U{row-1}-AB{row-1}) >= 0),(R{row-1}/365/100) * AJ{row} * (U{row-1} - AB{row-1}),0): If the number of periods is greater than 0, and the outstanding principal amount is greater than or equal to 0, then calculate the accrued interest based on Rate divided by 365 and 100, then multiplied by number of days and outstanding principal, as of the last transaction or event.
AL ACCRUED =T{row}-AA{row}: Sum of cumulative interest less cumulative payments to interest.

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