Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Prompt To Verify A Field On Exiting A Form

This document explains how to prompt your operators to confirm important information before they can exit a form. One or several fields on a form may be set up for confirmation.

Some information on a form may be particularly important to your operation, for instance, the Status of the account or pertinent account information stored in the Summary line. Collect! offers a flexible way to prompt your operators to confirm the value in a field. Their confirmation can be logged into notes automatically. If there are any questions later, it is easy to go back into the notes and see exactly what was verified and confirmed.

Control which operators need to be prompted, so that your supervisors can quickly browse accounts unimpeded, whereas your operators and junior personnel can be required to confirm the data.

The steps to set up prompting to verify a field are:

  • Switch on Enable Verification in the Operator form. Make sure the operator's User Level is NOT User Level 99.
  • Switch on Verify On Exit in the Access Rights form for the field you want verified.
  • Switch on Log Verification in the Access Rights form if you want to log to the debtor's Notes.
  • Test your settings
  • .

Useful Note When you set up field verification, Collect! automatically enters an Alias for the field in the Access Rights form. This is necessary for the Login procedure to read the switches you have set.

Useful Note Prompt To Verify does not work for users signed in at User Level 99. Collect! bypasses prompting at this administrative level. Please use a different user level.

The rest of this topic steps you through setting up prompting to verify a field on exiting a form.

Sign In AS User Level 99

Whenever you change access rights settings, it is good practice to sign into Collect! as an operator with User Level 99. So please do that before you get started.

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Switch On Enable Verification

To enable the verification on a field, visit the Operator form for each operator that you want to set up.

  1. Select System from the top menu bar and then select Rights from the drop-down choices to display the sub-menu. Select Operators to view the list of Operators.
  2. Open the Operator form for each operator for whom you want to enable logging to Notes.
  3. On the Operator form, put a check mark in the box next to the field labeled Enable verification.
  4. Make sure the operator's User Level is NOT 99.
  5. Press F8 to save the settings and close the Operator form.
  6. Repeat this for each operator that you want to set up. Then, close the Operator list when you are finished setting up all the operators.

The next two switches, Verify On Exit and Log Verification, are set in the Access Rights form. Set these two switches in the Access Rights form for each field that you want verified.

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Switch On Verify On Exit

Open the form that contains a field that you want verified.

  1. Tab into the field that you want verified so that it is highlighted in blue.
  2. Right select the field and choose Properties in the popup menu for the field. This will display the Access Rights form for the field.
  3. Check the field labeled Name on the Access Rights form to make sure you are verifying the correct field.
  4. Put a check mark in the box next to the field labeled Verify on exit. This will make Collect! prompt the user on exiting the form.

Collect! can also write a line to the debtor's Notes when a field has been verified. This switch is explained next.

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Switch On Log Verification

Set this if you want Collect! to write to the debtor's Notes when the user verifies the data in the field. This enables you to examine the notes to see exactly what was verified and confirmed. Collect! writes into the Notes file of the last debtor read from the database.

  1. While you are still looking at the Access Rights form for the field you are verifying, put a check mark in the box next to the field labeled Log verification.
  2. Press F8 to save your settings and close the Access Rights form.

Useful Note The Log Verification switch should only be used on fields in records related to debtors such as Transactions, Contacts, Attachments and Cosigners. Please do not switch this ON for a Client record, or a Client Payment record, or other record types not directly related to the debtor.

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Test Your Settings

Once you have completed setting up field verification, please sign in as each operator that you set up and test the settings.

Useful Note You must sign out of Collect! completely, returning to the Desktop, whenever you change to a different User Level, or some of the rights from the previous level that you were signed in as may still be in effect.

When you go to any record where verification is now required and try to exit the form, you will receive the verification confirmation prompt.

Verification Confirmation Prompt

The default response is NO. If you press ENTER, Collect! will go back to the field requiring confirmation. If you select the YES button or press the 'Y' key, then Collect! checks to see if the Log Verification switch is set. If so, the confirmation needs to be logged, so a line is written to the notes.

For example,

10/25/2009 11:05:32 NEW OWN: Confirmed Status: NEW

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This document has explained how to have your operators verify important information on a form and log the confirmation to notes.

The Enable verification switch is set for each Operator that you want prompted. This works for any User Level other than 99.

The Verify On Exit and Log Verification switches are set in the Access Rights form for each field where you want data confirmed.

Log Verification should only be set for fields related to the Debtor, such as Transactions, Attachments, Contacts and Cosigners.

It is recommended that you test each operator that you have set up for prompting to verify a field.

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