Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Setup A Dialer Operator

This sample shows a Dialer Operator setup. A Dialer Operator sits at a computer connected to your Predictive Dialer. The operator waits for the dialer to make a connection and send the account file number back to Collect!. The Dialer Operator selects OK and Collect! immediately displays the Debtor related to the file number. The effect of the settings shown on the Operator form in this sample are explained in further detail below.

Dialer Operator

The Operator Name is the user's Alias, the name that may be printed on letters and reports. The Operator Actual Name is the user's actual name. This field is not printed on any sample letters or reports.

This user's Operator Title Dialer Operator is printed as the signature on many sample reports. The Phone Number and Email Address are also used for reports and letters. The Private Phone has not been placed on any forms or letter samples.

The Operator Type has been set to DIALER OPERATOR. This takes the user to a waiting screen while the predictive dialer tries to make a connection.

Dialer Operator Waiting For Connection

Operator Details

In the Operator Detail tab:

The Messaging is set to NORMAL. This means Collect! will prompt twice for most important functions, such as deleting forms.

Printing is set to DEVICE CONTEXT. In other words, Collect! will use printer driver information when sending report jobs to the printer.

The Automatic Recalc switch tells Collect! to automatically recalc any Active debtor when the account is opened.

The Notes color field is selected to LT. PURPLE. Any notes lines visible when looking at a debtor will be displayed in this light amber color for note lines with this operator's ID stamp (DIA). The Notes color is visible before opening the Debtor Notes.

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Operator Security

In the Operator Security tab:

Security Settings for the Dialer Operator

The User Level 60 has been assigned. This greatly restricts what this operator can access in Collect!. Most fields on the Debtor form will be grayed out. The user may view the contents of these fields but cannot change them.

The Allow Browser Signon check mark enables this user to access Collect! through the Internet, or through a browser.

Useful Note There are many other settings in Operator Security that relate to passwords, to account access control and to special Web Host settings. Press F1 for details about these fields.

If you plan to use this Dialer Operator, please refer to Help topic, How to Use the Predictive Dialer for more information.

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