Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Understand Net Or Gross Or Combined Remittances

This topic covers the three different options you have to remit funds to Clients.

On occasions where your company is making the remit type decision for a Client that has expressed no specific preference, Net remittance is the most favorable to your company. This is the choice that allows you to recover the amounts due you off the top of the amount you owe the Client.

Gross and Combined favor the Client which means your company will be waiting on the Client to send you a check for amounts earned rather than you being able to offset your amounts owed off the top, as in Net. However, where you do have a Client who has a Remittance preference, you have the system ability to accommodate them.


The three different Accounting methods of Client remittance are:

  1. Net Remit
  2. Gross Remit
  3. Combined Remit

Each type has its own calculation which determines the order of operations that the system will track and account for trust funds and commissions/fees/taxes due your company. The remit type preference is software switch located in the Client Advanced Settings Screen. You have the option and flexibility to make this decision on an per Client basis. The output documents for each remittance type ship standard with Collect! and are stored in your list of Letters and Reports off your Print menu. The types and document names are:

  1. Net - Statement and Check
  2. Gross - GStatement and GCheck
  3. Combined - CStatement and CCheck.

If you are at any time manually reprinting a statement for a Client, it is very important to choose the correct document for the remit type of the Client, as each type manages the figures differently.

Warning Note WARNING: If an occasion arises where you are asked by a Client to switch their remit type from one of the three types to a completely different type, if this Client also owes you on a balance forward, how this amount is handled can be drastically altered. There is a very specific process if you need to change your client's remittance type. Please see below for more information.

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Client Settings Form

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Net Remittance

This is the default remit type in Collect! and the one which is indicated by the absence of any other choice in the Client Advanced Screen Settings.

The calculation used is:

Amount = (Total Paid/NSF To Agency)-(Total Commission)-(Fees/Charges/Taxes)-(Balance Forward- Payments)

Useful Note By default, Client Fees and Legal Advances are included in the Commission Amount. To have these values separated out on your invoices, you will need to customize the Statement reports.

The amount is written to the TOTAL field on the Invoice/Statement record.

If the Amount is Positive, then it is treated as a Payable and will indicate as such on the Statement report, when printed.

If the Amount is Negative, then it is treated as a Receivable and will indicate as such on the Statement report, when printed.

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Gross Remit

This preference requires that you check the "Remit Gross Funds with Invoice" AND "Bill Client for Negative To Us".

Warning Note WARNING: BOTH switches being selected are important if you are permitted by contact to recover any reversals posted back from monies you already issued to the Client. The reason the "Bill Client for Negative To Us" exists is in deference to the number of Credit Grantors which have a No NSF/Reversal policy with their agencies. In practice, there are still a great many Gross remit type Client who will permit the Agency to recover previously posted commissions if a Paid Agency amount goes NSF. If your Gross Client has the No NSF policy, the correct switch setting for this scenario is check "Remit Gross Funds with Invoice" AND leave blank the check box beside "Bill Client for Negative To Us."

Bill Client for Negative To Us Switch ON

Remittance Amount = (Total Paid/NSF To Agency)+(Overpayments)

Invoice Amount = (Total Commission)+(Fees/Charges/Taxes)+(Balance Forward-Payments)

Bill Client for Negative To Us Switch OFF

Remittance Amount = (Total Paid To Agency)+(Overpayments)

Invoice Amount = (Total Commission)+(Fees/Charges/Taxes)+(Balance Forward-Payments)

Useful Note The Transactions with a Negative To Us amount are completely excluded from the Invoice Lines, so the Transaction's To Us, Commission Amount, and Tax Amount are excluded from the Total To Agency, Total To Agency Commission, and Total To Agency Taxes.

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Combined Remit

This is the most complex of remittance types. If your Client is requesting that you invoice your services such that all Paid Agency money is remitted Net style while all Paid Client direct money is remitted Gross style, the Combined is the remit type they are asking for.

Remittance Amount = (Total Paid/NSF To Agency)-(Total To Agency Commission)+ (To Agency Fees/Charges/Taxes)+(Overpayments)

Invoice Amount = (Total To Client Commission)+(To Client Fees/Charges/Taxes)+(Balance Forward-Payments)

Useful Note If you have set the Client to a Combined remit type, the system ignores the "Remit Gross Funds with Invoice" and "Bill Client for Negative To Us" switches.

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Changing Remittance Types

It is preferable where possible to refrain from switching remit types.

If you do need to change types, here is the process. For this example, we will assume that you are changing the remittance type effective at the January Statement. This process must be done before generating the January Statement.

  1. Open the Client you are changing and click the Advanced button to open the Client Settings.
  2. Select your new Remittance Type:
    NET = 'Combined Invoice' and 'Remit Gross Funds with Invoice' are both unchecked.
    GROSS = 'Remit Gross Funds with Invoice' is checked and Combined Invoice' is not checked.
    COMBINED = 'Combined Invoice' is checked and 'Remit Gross Funds with Invoice' is not checked.
  3. Useful Note For Gross Clients, we also recommend checking the 'Bill Client for Negative To Us'; otherwise, NSF checkes or other payment reversals will not appear on a statement.

    Client Settings Form

    If you are changing from Gross to Combined or Combined to Gross, then you are done.

    If you are changing from Net to Gross or Combined or from Gross or Combined to Net, then Collect! will automatically alter the last Invoice/Statement record by negating the TOTAL field.

    December Statement Before Changing

    If it's a positive number, Collect! will make it negative. If it's a negative number, Collect! will make it positive. On Gross and Combined Statements, a positive total field means a balance forward. On Net Statements, a negative number means a balance forward, which is why negating the Total field is important.

    December Statement After Changing

  4. Generate your January Statements.

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