Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Layout And Languages

The Layout and Languages Menu enable you to control many aspects of Collect!'s user interface. These settings affect what the operator sees when viewing forms and lists. This menu is available through the System menu, Layout and Languages option.

Areas set up from this menu include:

  • Form Properties
  • Field Properties
  • Reset Tab Order
  • Reset List Columns
  • Read Form Properties From CSV File
  • Write Form Properties To CSV File
  • Commit Form Properties To Database
  • Write Language File
  • Read Language File

Form Properties

Select this option to open the Access Rights form for the form that you are currently viewing. If you want to change the caption for the form or to add a control file, you may do this when the Access Rights form appears. You may also limit or permit operator access to the form.

This option gives you maximum flexibility in setting up Collect! form titles and custom form level settings.

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Field Properties

Select this option to open the Access Rights form for the field that you are currently editing. If you want to change the caption for the field, add a pick list, or a control file, you may do this when the Access Rights form appears.

When a field, menu item or button is highlighted, select Field Properties to open the Access Rights form for the highlighted item.

This option gives you maximum flexibility in setting up Collect! forms and menus. You may also control operator use of the field, button or menu item.

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Reset Tab Order

Users may select tabs on forms and move them around. This produces a *.tpr configuration file in the Collect\config\operator ID folder.

Select this option to reset the tab order to the system default order.

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Reset List Columns

Users may move and resize columns as needed. This produces a *.lpr configuration file in the Collect\config\operator ID folder.

Select this option to reset the lists to their default state.

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Read Form Properties From CSV File

Select this option to read all the properties for the fields of the form you are viewing from a *.csv file. This will enter the new properties into the record and its fields.

To commit the changes to the database, select Commit Form Properties to Database.

This function is intended to facilitate customizing Collect!'s user interface. Make many changes at once, conveniently in the *.csv file and read them back into Collect! to modify form properties.

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Write Form Properties To CSV File

Select this option to read all the fields of the form you are viewing into a *.csv file. The resulting file will contain all the record field labels and field positions.

This function is intended to facilitate customizing Collect!'s user interface. Make many changes at once, conveniently in the *.csv file and read them back into Collect! to modify form properties.

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Commit Form Properties To Database

Select this option to write your changes to form and field properties to the database.

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Write Language File

Select this option to write a CSV file with the names of all the fields in your database. This may be used for troubleshooting or for writing a new language file for aliasing many fields at once. Once the CSV file has been created, it may be modified and read back into your system.

Please refer to Help topic, Language File for details.

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Read Language File

Select this option to read a new CSV alias file into your database. This will set all the field names to the values configured in the language file.

Please refer to Help topic, Language File for details.

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