Report Not Found
I was unable to find the report (or letter)!
Either you have upgraded and the currently loaded report
library doesn't contain the report, or you have deleted or renamed it.
You can create the report immediately, or wait until later.
If you choose to create the report now, you will need a little time
to design and test the report.
If you wait until later, you could copy the report from the demo
database and save yourself some time.
To copy a report from the demodb database:
- Open the demodb database.
- Click the Print menu and choose Customize Printing,
Edit Report Templates.
- Select the report you want to copy.
- Select Edit from the top menu bar and then select Copy.
- Close the demodb database and open the masterdb database
- Click the Print menu and choose Customize Printing,
Edit Report Templates.
- Select Edit from the top menu bar and then select Paste.
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