Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Customize Printing

The Customize Printing option lets you edit report templates, bring new templates into your system, or export reports templates to an external file. You can also create a new report library, load an alternate report library, or print all reports or a selection. Select Print from the top menu bar and then select Customize Printing to view the sub-menu choices described below.

Report Customization

Edit Report Templates

Select Edit Report Templates to view the Report Definition list of all reports in your system. From this list, you may select a report to view the Report Body containing all the printing and formatting commands for the report. You may edit the report or create a new one by selecting the NEW button at the bottom of the Report Definition list.

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Import Report Template

Select Import Report Template to import a report into Collect! The Import Collect! Report dialog will be displayed so that you may locate the report you wish to import.

Useful Note Collect! recognizes a report by its *.rpt or *.rtf extension. These are the only types of report files that can be imported into Collect! These files are simple ASCII text files.

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Export Report Template

Select Export Report Template to export reports out of Collect!. The list of all reports in your system will be displayed so that you may select the report or reports to export.

The Export Collect! Report dialog will be displayed to allow you to select a location to save your report in and to give your report a name.

Useful Note Collect! automatically gives the exported report(s) an *.rpt extension. This is a simple ASCII text file.

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Print All Reports

Select Print All Reports to print all the reports in your report list or a selection of reports. This is useful for test purposes and for examining a number of reports at one time.

Useful Note If you wish to print several letter templates, open the Debtor list or Debtor form before selecting the reports to print.

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Scan Letter Text

The Text Scanner is a utility that allows you to tag Report Definitions, then search for a string of text. All reports and letters that do not contain the text will be tagged.

This utility is useful for compliance. If you are required to have certain text on your initial letters, you can use this utility to tag those letters.

Once tagged, you can review them and add the text where necessary.

Useful Note If the tagged list includes letters that you don't want scanned in the future, you can open the Report Options and select the Exclude from Text Scanner box.

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Select Report Library

This option enables you to load an alternate report library. The list shows registered devices that you may select. The current database and Web Host report libraries show up in this list by default. Any additional report libraries created with the New Report Library option will also be displayed.

Useful Note This makes Web Host reports immediately available for editing at any time. Simply switch back and forth between the report libraries.

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New Report Library

Select this to register a new report library. This process will make this library available for loading with the Select Report Library choice. This option enables you to load a new empty report library. You can create new reports or copy reports into the library as needed.

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Delete Report Library

Select this to delete a registered report library. Please use this command carefully as it actually deletes the selected report library from your Collect report folder! There is no restore.

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