Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Security And Aliases

The Security and Aliases menu takes you to the areas where you can control how users access various parts of the system.

You can create Operators and edit their settings, edit and create User Levels, view Access Rights and Aliases for any field or menu in Collect!.

Security and Aliases menu

Operators And Distribution Teams

Select this button to view the list of all operators in the system. Select an operator from the list to view or edit the details. Press F3 or select the New button to create a new operator.

Operator ID codes, names and sign on passwords

User group (controls what an Operator is allowed to do)

Experience level (sets system prompts to help the user)

Distribution Teams allow you to specify commission rate plans for team members, which are calculated and printed in the Operator Analysis report.

Useful Note It is VERY IMPORTANT that each person who accesses the system has their own unique ID and Password.

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User Levels

Select this button to view the list of User Levels in the system. You can edit user groups, and assign rights to edit or browse various parts of the system.

Useful Note Please do not modify this list unless you are sure of what you are doing. It is recommended that you use the predefined User Levels in the Collect! Demonstration database.

You can control access to all menus, forms and even fields within forms.

Access levels are:

  • FULL: allowing the User to freely access and edit
  • NO DELETE: for lists/forms: no delete privileges; for fields: can select data and use field functionality like autodialer or opening files, but cannot edit data
  • READ ONLY: to view only
  • NO ACCESS: causes fields and buttons to be hidden from display

Each User Level has different Access Rights. Each Operator has a User Level assigned to them which determine their access rights to various parts of the system.

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Access Rights And Aliases

Select this button will to view the list of all menus, forms and fields in the system. You can review and edit which user groups have custom access rights assigned to them. You can also change the labels of the fields as they are displayed on the screen.

Useful Note Please do not modify this list unless you are sure of what you are doing. It is recommended that you use the predefined User Levels in the Collect! Demonstration database.

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Password Settings

Select this button to access the Password Settings form where you can set various password options for users. You can set

  • length of a password
  • renewal period
  • lock out after a number of tries
  • password encryption

These settings enhance your ability to secure your system. Use them with settings in the Operator form to fine tune your user permissions.

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Press this button for help on the Security and Aliases screen and links to related topics.

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Selecting this button will return you to the previous form.

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