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How To Submit Accounts To Ebureau

This topic gives you basic steps for processing accounts utilizing Collect!'s eBureau Module.

The eBureau consumer eLink batch process is a skip trace and data conditioning resource which may be utilized to automate locate and inventory finalization trigger processes (such as bankruptcy or deceased).

To use Collect!'s eBureau module, you must have the option licensed, and you need to have an account established with eBureau. Once you have your login credentials from eBureau that will allow the system-to-system communication, you can configure your interface in Collect! via \System\ Preferences\ eBureau Setup.

tip.gif The eBureau Module is an extension module available to sites who have a Collect! Professional level license or higher AND who are operating on software version CV11.3.1.1 and higher. If you have upgraded from an older version, you will need to request a new license from us to enable this module upon purchase. It is also necessary that you have an account established with eBureau.

To access the module setup screen, click \System\Preferences.

System Setup Menu

Click the eBureau Setup option to display the configuration window.

eBureau Setup

tip.gif Your eBureau representative will provide you with your login credentials which will include a URL, userid, password and the certificate file you need to connect.

Ebureau Configuration

tip.gif For details about these configuration steps, please refer to Help Topic, eBureau Setup.

1. Establish an account with eBureau by contacting a representative of this service provider.

2. Ensure "ca-cert.pem" is in your CV11\bin folder.

3. Access your configuration preferences via \System\Preferences\eBureau Setup.

4. Fill in the login credentials provided to your by eBureau; Server URL, Userid, and Password.

5. Test Connection and proceed when you have established a successful connection.

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Running An Ebureau Batch

Submit to eBureau is a batch process in Collect!. Like other types of batch processes, you have several options for selecting the accounts you wish to process, as well as other details.

tip.gif Ensure no duplicate Debtor File Numbers exist in your database. In addition to being detrimental to the data integrity in general, the eBureau module will update to the first file number it finds that matches the source file number it is searching for to update your accounts.

If you believe you may have inadvertent debtor file number duplicates in your database, refer to the Help topic, How To Renumber Debtor File Numbers, before proceeding to submit your accounts.

1. Click \Tools\ Batch Processing from the list of drop-down choices. This will display the Batch Processing window.

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Click the Daily Administration button on the left side of the Main Menu screen to open the Daily Administration sub-menu. Click Daily Batch Processes, then Batch Processing.

2. Click the radio button beside the option labeled, Submit to eBureau.

Submit to eBureau Batch Process

Click Next>> to continue.

3. Select accounts to process using Search Criteria or Tagging.

Tag or Filter Accounts to Process

After you have selected your accounts, click Next>> to continue.

4. A Review contact is created as a part of the eBureau process. This will allow you to locate and audit your results by being able to distinctly identify accounts with return data.

You can choose to direct the Review to the Operator ID that owns the account at present ( collector's desk) or you may specify a single ID for all Review contacts to be assigned to as results from the eBureau return are being processed.

Caution when selecting 1 Operator ID - if the batch sent is very large, this may create a bottleneck in the Operator's throughput if thousands of Reviews are sent into a single user's WIP. If you have a pool desk environment, a team of collectors can simultaneously work a single WIP designated as being for a Team.

If you select "Specific operator," you can select from the pick-list of all the operators in your company.

Select Operator to Review Accounts

Click Next>> to continue.

5. Now you are ready to submit your accounts to eBureau.

tip.gif Please make sure you are ready before clicking the the Start button since this process cannot be canceled once it has started.

Select START to Submit This Batch to eBureau

6. While Collect! is establishing the connection with eBureau's server, you will see a message.

Waiting to Process Submission

7. The submission is broken up in to batches of 100 records at a time. Allow the process to complete and you will receive a summary screen which displays totals for all the types of information received.

Results of eBureau Submission

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Ebureau Review Contacts

The module schedules a Review for each account processed with returns from eBureau.

eBureau Review Contact Scheduled

You can load the WIP List for operators whose accounts were processed.

eBureau Results in WIP List

When you select the eBureau item in the WIP List, you are taken to the account and you can see the Message codes returned from eBureau.

eBureau Message Code Descriptions

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Ebureau Updates And Returns

Accounts will have one or several changes based on the results of the eBureau process. Address changes, Bankruptcy details, new or updated Cosigners (being related parties such as Relative, Neighbor etc. These related parties are stored in the Cosigner tab with the Class of "Other").


eBureau Score in Debtor Screen

eBureau Address Changes Logged to Notes

eBureau Cosigner Created

eBureau Attachments Created

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See Also

- eBureau Module
- eBureau Setup
- Batch Processing Topics

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