Interoffice Transfers
The Interoffice Transfers import routine enables you to
transfer accounts between databases, or offices. This routine
takes into consideration conflicting File Numbers that may
exist in the receiving database.
The Database Transfers import map is used along with two
utility imports. One utility import checks File Numbers before
transferring accounts. Files can then be renumbered using the
other utility import before you complete the file transfer.
All parts of this process are easily accomplished using the
steps below.
Interoffice Transfers Import Maps
The Interoffice Transfers procedure uses three import maps:
These are shipped with Collect! version CV11.3.5
and newer. If you do not have the most current x01_transfer
import library in Collect!, you can download these maps from
the Collect! Member Center.
Download Interoffice Transfers
Unzip the transfers{nnn}.zip for your
version of Collect! into a temporary folder.
Load Import Maps Into Collect!
Both the Sending and Receiving offices must have these three
interoffice transfers import maps. Receiving and Sending
offices should both follow the next steps to bring the import
maps into Collect!.
You must perform the following 3 steps in the Source
and Destination databases.
1. Select File, Import/Export, Customize Import/Export,
Load File Formats.
2. Navigate to where you unzipped transfers{nnn}.zip
and select "transfers.xml."
3. You will see three new maps in your list of import maps:
File Transfer Procedures
If you are sure the receiving database/office has NO DUPLICATE
FILE NUMBERS, simply use the Database Transfers import map.
This import map will export all clients. If you do not
want to do this, you should create a temporary
client and move the accounts to that client before
Please refer to Help topic, Database Transfers for details.
Duplicate File Numbers
If there is a chance that the receiving database/office has a file
numbering system with possibilities of duplicates, you MUST
renumber any duplicate accounts BEFORE exporting
the accounts.
Two utility maps are provided for this purpose. They enable
you to do a "pre-processing run" before doing the actual transfer.
The steps are simple and once they are understood, they can
easily be made part of your standard procedures.
1. In the Sending office, create a temporary client, ensuring that
you are not using a Client Number that is already in the receiving
office client list. Move the accounts that you want to transfer
into this client.
2. EXPORT the client, using "Number Change". Save the
results to a CSV. This will be what you use to change your
File Numbers back to their original state.
3. EXPORT the client, using "File Transfer Check." Save the
results to a CSV.
4. Send the CSV to the receiving office.
1. In the Receiving office, IMPORT the CSV using "File Transfer
Check." This creates a "placeholder" for each incoming account.
2. Run Tools, Utilities, File Numbering. Say "yes" to renumber
duplicates. (This will not renumber other accounts - just any new
ones that you are checking that are duplicates.)
If there are no duplicates. Just let the Sending office know this
and skip Steps 3 and 4.
3. If there were duplicates and Collect! renumbered them,
EXPORT the Client using "Number Change." Save the
results to CSV.
4. Send the CSV to the Sending office.
1. In the Sending office, IMPORT the CSV using "Number
Change." This will renumber the transfer accounts in your
original database. Only File Numbers that are duplicates
will be renumbered. The others will stay the same.
2. Now you can use Database Transfers to EXPORT the
Client again. This time all subrecords will be exported as well.
1. In the Receiving office, IMPORT the CSV using Database
Transfers and all new data will be in your system with unique
File Numbers.
1. In the Sending office, IMPORT the originally created CSV
using "Number Change." This will renumber the transferred
accounts in your original database back to their original File
Once you are finished transferring the accounts, you
may want to archive them, or actually remove
them from the temporary client that you are using
for your Transfer Client.
Once this system is in place, it provides an easy way to
transfer accounts between databases, or offices, while ensuring
that duplicate File Numbers are handled beforehand. This
guarantees correct transferring of all supplementary data such
as Contacts, Transactions, Attachments and Note.
See Also
- Database Transfers
- Import/Export Topics
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