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New Features - 11-6 Build 3

Welcome to Collect! Version 11.6 Build 3. This latest version has several new features and functionality, as well as several optimizations and enhancements to existing features.

Credit Bureau Reporting - Furnisher Data Reporting And Process Requirement Compliance

Implemented the following enhancements to comply with the Data Furnisher changes required by the Credit Bureau Reporting Agencies.

Compliance enhancements include reporting all of the active accounts and those paid in full within the last 90 days, more granular, client based control over Credit Bureau Reporting Delay and cosigner reporting automation. Other enhancements support increased automation, compliance and productivity.

Compliance Changes implemented:

  1. Added option on Credit Bureau settings to Report all accounts. This option will allow user to create a complete file of all accounts that are reported to the bureau. Please review the following details regarding the new change to create a complete file.
    1. A new metro contact will be created for accounts that were reactivated for reporting.
    2. All Closed accounts that did not have completed CBR reporting in the past will be reactivated/reported to the bureau. Users need to manually close reporting on closed accounts.
    3. All accounts with active credit Bureau reporting that have passed the statute of reporting will be reactivated and reported. Users need to manually close Credit Bureau reporting on accounts that have passed the statute of reporting.
    4. The Credit Bureau Report program will take longer to run to create a complete file for all accounts that are currently reported to CBR and fully paid accounts for the next 90 days.
  2. Implemented a new option CBR Delay on Advanced Client Settings to specify the number of days required to delay reporting specific Medical Client accounts. The new Credit Bureau requirements are to delay reporting Medical accounts for 180 days. The delay value specified on Client Settings will override the default Credit Bureau Reporting Delay Setup.
  3. All paid in full accounts will be reported on Credit Bureau files generated for a period of 90 days. A new metro contact identical to the prior contact will be created. Resending paid in full transaction on files generated for 90 days is considered good practice by the Credit Bureaus.

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Credit Bureau Reporting Process Enhancement

  1. Added a new option on Batch Process Prepare accounts for CBR to prompt user to report Cosigner Information to the bureau on Selected Accounts. Users will be required to setup CBR reporting details on Cosigners.
  2. The Output Credit Bureau Reporting file will now be created on Bin\cbr folder instead of the Root Drive specified on the Credit Bureau settings.
  3. Optimized Collect! to skip and continue CBR reporting when it encounters corrupted Metro Contacts. All corrupted record information will be identified in the application log.

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Webhost Features

Implemented the following additional features on Webhost:

  1. The "Secure" attribute has been added to the web host cookie when in SSL mode.
  2. An operator can no longer have more than one active web host session.
  3. A new session cookie is issued after logging into web host.
  4. On the 5th failed attempts to log in, the operator will be locked out for 3 minutes.
  5. Dangerous HTML characters embedded in record data are escaped before being sent to the browser to help prevent malicious scripts from executing.
  6. Added enhancements to manage a Internet Explorer cookie time out spamming issue.
  7. Added a new command line argument below to control session timeout. "/wh_timeout=n" where n is the number of minutes a web host sessions will wait to timeout.
  8. Implemented enhanced Web Host memory management to release memory reserved for terminated sessions.

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Enhanced Dialer Functionality

Extended http dialer functionality to include txt files containing additional parameters for long strings. In oder to use this feature, you need to create a txt file in global\ dialstrings folder with .dialstring extension. Collect! will use this information on the file and replace the required parameters.
Note 1: admin&secret
Note 2: test.dialstring
bin\global\dialstrings\test.dialstring would contain: password=@pass&args=@ phone

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Upgrading To This Build

Please refer to Upgrading Topics for details about upgrading your existing Collect! system to take advantage of the features and optimizations in this latest release.

tip.gif If you are upgrading from Version 11.3 build 11 or earlier, you must do a complete database upgrade to this version.

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See Also

- Collect! New Features - all Collect!'s builds in one easy table
- Introduction To Collect! Version 11

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