Reconcile ACH History
The Reconcile ACH History function finalizes recurring ACH Module
transaction in Collect! by applying the Posting Date for those
transactions which Billing Tree has now processed. Prior to this
process, recurring transactions appear in the Transaction tab with
a Payment Date reflecting the intended due dates and either the Posted
Dates filled and the original arrangement setup date OR the Posted
Dates are blank, depending on how you set you ACH Setup preference for
"Posted date blank on recurring".
Reconciliation of the ACH transactions is what triggers
the update of the Posting Date to be finalized if the transaction
cleared. It can be run as a batch process via the path
" Daily Administration\ Payments and Charges\Reconcile ACH History"
OR Users of CV11.6.2.7 and higher who are also licensed for the
Scheduler Module now have an enhanced automation with the
addition of the Reconcile process being added to the Scheduler
Task list of options. You may run this process offline and
unattended. Contact us at for module pricing.
If your debtors prefer to go themselves to the Billing
Tree ACH Gateway to enter their payment rather
than give their personal banking information out
over the phone, this is an option. Debtors must use
their Collect! file number as their account number
when entering the payment. This is now an external
Billing Tree payment and when they have processed
it, you will receive the posting auto-applied in
Collect! with your next Reconcile ACH History batch run.
If a debtor incorrectly enters their file number or
uses any other type of account number when they
make the payment, then the transaction will
appear in an Unmatched Externals report which
can be used to help track/trace unmatched payments.
If Billing Tree returns unmatched transactions, Collect! stores the
information in a file in the path "CV11\bin\BillingTree\ACH" with the
date it was received as part of the file name.
Per Session Logins
If you intend to use more than one set of login credentials
for you company, please be aware that you must run a reconcile
for EACH UserID. Transactions are stored according
to the UserID that posts them.
NSF Payments
When you reconcile ACH history, Collect! posts a reversal
for any payments that are returned as NSF. The convenience
fee payment is also reversed. If you switched ON "NSF
cancels recurring payments" in the ACH Payments Setup
screen, Collect! also removes all details of the recurring ACH
payment schedule from the account, including post-dated
transactions and EFT notices.
Unmatched Returns
When you reconcile ACH history, Collect! logs all returns
that cannot be matched to accounts in your database. You
can find these unmatched returns in the folder along
the path CV11\bin\BillingTree\ACH. Each reconcile with
unmatched returns has its own csv log file with a unique name
composed of the date and time.
For example, "UnmatchedExternals-150519-145009.csv."
Unmatched returns may be caused by changing a File
Number in Collect! or an incorrect file number entered
by the debtor making an external payment directly on the
Billing Tree portal. This causes the reconcile process to
fail to match the account. Another cause may modifying the
amount after processing, such as splitting of a payment across
a group of accounts. If the reconciliation cannot match the
amount of the payment, it will be rejected as a reversal.
We recommend that Unmatched returns be reviewed with each
process and to manage by manual update any which cannot be
electronically applied by the module.
Billing Tree also returns any corrections the bank may report
after a successful submission. Corrections that cannot be matched
to an account in your database may also be found in the
Unmatched Returns CSV file located in the file path
If your established file structure for Collect!
is not within primary folder called "CV11", then your
path to the Billing Tree exception reports would
follow the naming convention "folder name\bin\BillingTree\ACH"
where "folder name" is the name of the main folder
Collect! software and data sub-folders are stored in.
Unmatched Externals
When you reconcile ACH history, Collect! logs all externally
posted ACH payments that cannot be matched to accounts
in your database. An Unmatched External would be a debtor
payment made by the debtor himself on the Billing Tree
portal rather than verbally with a collector using the
module in your office. You can find these unmatched externals
in the same report that logs to the path "CV11\bin\Billing
Each reconcile with unmatched externals has its own CSV log
file with a unique name composed of the date and time.
For example, "UnmatchedExternals-150519-145903.csv."
Unmatched externals are ACH payments posted at the
Billing Tree site but not matched in Collect!. Perhaps they
were posted without the proper File Number. Perhaps the
Debtor simply does not exist in your database.
In any case, you can examine the results in the unmatched
externals CSV to resolve any issues, doing whatever is
necessary to process these payments in Collect!.
The Billing Tree Module also ships with import maps
that you can use to process the unmatched externals using
Collect!'s Import/Export module. This still requires that you
make whatever additions or corrections are necessary to
match the externally posted payments to the correct Debtor.
If your established file structure for Collect!
is not within primary folder called "CV11", then your
path to the Billing Tree exception reports would
follow the naming convention "folder name\bin\BillingTree\ACH"
where "folder name" is the name of the main folder
Collect! software and data sub-folders are stored in.
Billing Tree Corrections
Billing Tree also returns any corrections the bank may report
after a successful submission. For instance, if the bank account
number was not correct, but the payment was processed
successfully. Corrections that cannot be matched to an
account in your database may also be found in the
Unmatched CSV.
When you reconcile ACH history, and a correction matches
a File Number in Collect!, then a Review contact is created
on the Debtor. The Description says "Billing Tree Correction"
with the Code and the short explanation of the correction
reported by Billing Tree.
As mentioned above, corrections that cannot be matched
to accounts in your database are logged to the
Unmatched Externals located in a csv file found via the path
Processing Summary
When you Reconcile ACH History, Collect! creates a
Processing Summary PDF containing the number of
transactions successfully processed during the reconcile.
You can find these files in the sub-folder
named "CV11\bin\BillingTree\ACH". Each reconcile
has its own uniquely named PDF summary file. For
example, "ProcessingSummary-150519-153312.csv."
This file contains the number of transactions successfully
processed and the total dollar value. The Debit
is the total number of ACH payments withdrawn and
the Credit is the amount deposited to
your agency's account. There is also a Batch ID, Date
and Time for your reference.
It also writes a detailed log into the path
See Also
- Billing Tree Topics
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