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Troubleshooting - Transactions

Transaction Greyed Out

Q - I cannot alter individual transactions. The transaction screen is greyed out. As far as I know, nothing has changed but all of a sudden, I can't make any changes to transactions.

A - It is possible that someone has accessed a system setup screen and turned On "Closed Accounting", which is a global system switch that exists to prevent anyone from being able to edit a transaction AFTER a transaction has already been included in a remittance Statement/ Invoice to your client.

If you are not the owner of the company, see your Systems Administrator or Manager for what to do to reverse and repost a transaction that applies to a previous billing cycle.

If you are the owner or company comptroller and DO need to delete a statement/check that was generated for a single client, have NOT sent out that check/statement yet and DO intend to regenerate that statement/check after correcting a posting, you will first have to turn Off the Closed Accounting switch in your Company Details window, log all the way out of Collect! for the change to be written to the database, then log back in. You will see that now you have edit ability in the transaction. Remember to turn Closed Accounting back on again after you have done your edit so that future transactions are likewise permitted from accidental edit after-the-fact.

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Tax Rate Calculation

Q - Collect! is not calculating my taxes on transactions or on statements. It isn't loading the tax percentage rate into the transaction screen when I post payments. Shouldn't this come forward automatically?

A - If you upgraded from an old version of Collect!, you will see that the tax rate is now read from the Debtor record once the account is established in your system. As new accounts are entered, they will pick up the tax rate from the Advanced Client Settings if data entered manually OR as a result of checking "Apply Client Settings" in the Import Options if you using an Import Map to enter your debtors.

To view the Tax rate on an existing debtor, click into the Financial Detail screen through the Principal field in the balance breakdown or by clicking the Advanced button in the lower right corner. Click into the Rate field in the Tax tab to view what the debtor is set up for.

Company Details should have a completed Tax tab to define your company's tax billings to your clients. Use this global rate ONLY if the tax to be computed will be the same for all clients and their debtors. If different regional tax rates may apply, use the Tax Tab on your clients to pass the rates to debtors entered for the clients themselves.

Changes made to Tax tabs, Company Details or Client, are go forward changes. The do NOT address existing inventory retroactively. Contact Technical Services for advice on how you would best be able to use a writeback or contact plan to make mass changes to tax fields on existing inventory.

If you are troubleshooting tax not being calculated on individual accounts, you should also check to make sure there is no Transaction Type that is incorrectly set by having switch called "Don't calculate tax" checked in the ON position in the Transaction Tab of any individual Transaction Types you currently have stored in your system. The two places to check are (i) click into the Principal field of the Debtor screen and see if the "Don't calculate tax" switch is On. If it is, then (ii) check the Advanced Client Settings screen for this client to see if the "Client is tax exempt" switch is On. If it is On and it shouldn't be, then uncheck the switch on the client so it will stop passing it to the debtor. If the "Client is tax exempt" switch is Off on the client, check your Transaction Type being used in the posting: it is possible that someone has inadvertently checked the "Don't calculate tax" switch in the Transaction Type itself, inside the Tax Tab.

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