Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Debtor Status

Debtor Status codes are standard status values that describe the state of the account, such as Active, Paid in Full, Bankrupt, Skip Trace and others.

These codes can be used in reports and batch processing to separate accounts into categories. Set an account's Debtor Status either manually, or automatically using contact plans.

To add, edit, or remove Status Codes, navigate to the Top Menu -> System -> Contact Management Settings -> Status Codes

Debtor Status Codes


This is a short code for the status. Limit to 3 or 4 characters.

Useful Note Be aware that using the Status CLO (Closed) does not remove the account from the Client record. It only tags the account as Closed in your system.

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This is a brief description of the status condition.

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WIP Priority

When sorting the Work in Progress list by Status via the WIP Sort field on the WIP Options form, Collect! will look at this field first and sort it descending, then Ascending by Status Code.

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Run Plan

Fill this field in with a Contact Plan code to run the Contact Plan on the Debtor or Client when this Status is selected.

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Listing Reversal

Switch this ON to exclude any debtors with this status from financial calculations on the client form. This would also require the 'Exclude reversals from Recalc' option to be enabled in the Client Settings of each client.

Switching this option on will also display reversals separately, on the Day Sheet record. Listing reversals are meant to be accounts that were placed in error.

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Select this button to save any changes you have made and return you to the previous form.


Selecting this button will take you to the previous record in the database.


Selecting this button will take you to the next record in the database.

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Selecting this button will ignore any changes you have made and return you to the previous form.

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Press this button for help on the Debtor Status form and links to related topics.

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This button is visible only on the list of all Debtor Status Codes. Select this to delete the highlighted item in the list.

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This button is visible only on the list of all Debtor Status Codes. Select this to open and modify the highlighted item in the list.

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This button is visible only on the list of all Debtor Status Codes. Select this to open a new blank Debtor Status form.

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