Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Contact Management Settings

The Contact Management Settings menu contains settings for the functions in Collect! that enable you and your operators to work accounts.

Settings in the following areas may be controlled from this menu.

Status Codes

The Debtor Status list contains various Debtor Status Codes. These codes assist you to sort, process and categorize your debtors.

Use Status Codes to:

  • Filter data for reports
  • Run batch processing procedures
  • Give you fast access to information in searches
  • Track account progress

You can use the default codes or set up your own. Read through the list to see the types of filtering you can achieve.

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View Contact Plans

Select View Contact Plans to display a list of all contact plans in the database. From the list, you can select a existing contact plan to view, modify, delete, or you can create a new contact plan.

Contact Plans are powerful and excellent for automating numerous aspects of your operations.

Use them to:

  • Set promises
  • Post specific transactions
  • Create your own letter series
  • Create Phone Contact schedules
  • Schedule file reviews for different operators
  • Change account status
  • Record promises and writing notes
  • Activate or closing accounts
  • Run other Contact Plans at a scheduled date
  • Edit field information

Contact Plans are run several ways:

  1. Set a default Contact Plan for new accounts in the Client Settings form.
  2. Click the Action button in the Debtor form and select a specific Contact Plan to run.
  3. Type the code into the Contact Plan Code field.
  4. Set a Contact Plan in batch processing through Daily Administration.
  5. Call one Contact Plan from another Contact Plan.

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Import Contact Plan

Selecting Import Contact Plan will present a message box allowing you to select a previously saved contact plan CPL file and import its contents into your database. Perhaps you have exported a contact plan from another Collect! database or the Demodb database. Once exported and saved, you can use Import Contact Plan to import the contact plan into the current database. The CPL file may contain one or more exported contact plans.

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Export Contact Plan

Selecting Export Contact Plan will present the list of contact plans currently in your database. You can select one or more contact plans to export. Follow the prompts to export the selected contact plan(s) to a location of your choosing. Once exported and saved as a CPL file, you can use Import Contact Plan to import the contact plan(s) into another Collect! database.

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Work In Progress Settings

This option opens the WIP Options form where you can set system level options for processing the Work In Progress (WIP List). This will affect what users see when they load their WIP List and work their accounts through the WIP List.

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Account Matching Settings

This option opens the Account Matching Setup window where you can set the matching criteria for Collect! to use you enter new accounts or group accounts together.

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This option opens the Auto Dialer Preferences form where you can configure the Auto Dialer to suit your preferences.

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