Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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The Email record stores information about each email address related to your Debtor accounts. You can store as many email records as needed. The active address can be transferred to the Debtor screen to display to the end user in the email field. Whenever you type into the email field on the Debtor screen, Collect! will create a new Email record if one does not exist for the email address you are typing.

Email Record

Whenever you update an existing address in the email field, Collect! will create or modify the Email records as needed.

When you leave an Email record or tab out of the email field on the Debtor, the Email Record list is sorted with all the ACTIVE = YES at the top, sorted by "most recently modified," then all ACTIVE = NO sorted by "most recently modified."

Email Address

Enter the Email address.

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This field tells you if the email address is an active address. You can change the value to "No" if this is not an active address.

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This field may be used to hold information about where the Email address was obtained. Several default values are supplied but the pick list may be modified as needed.

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This field may be used to hold information about what type address this is such as Home or Work.

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Display On Main Screen

Switch this ON to display this Email address in the Debtor's Email field.

Useful Note If you uncheck this box, Collect! will clear the email address from the Email field on the Debtor screen.

Useful Note You may need to tab out of the Email field on the Debtor screen to see it clear when you uncheck this box.

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Include In Batch Emails

Switch this ON to include this Email address in the CC list when sending batch emails.

Useful Note Even with the box checked, it will not be included if the Active field is set to No.

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Opt In Date

The date that this email record was authorized for emailing.

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Opt In Method

The method that was used to authorize this email record for emailing.

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Opt Out Date

The date that this email record was deauthorized for emailing.

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Opt Out Method

The method that was used to deauthorize this email record for emailing.

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Opt In Flag

This checkbox will indicate, when checked, if this email record is currently authorized for emailing.

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This read only field displays the Date this Email record was created. Next to it, is the ID of the Operator who created the record.

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Created Time

This read only field displays the Time this Email record was created.

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This read only field displays the most recent Date when this Email record was modified. Next to it, is the ID of the Operator who edited the record.

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Modified Time

This read only field displays the most recent Time when this Phone record was modified.

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This field contains the name of the Debtor attached to this Phone record.

Useful Note As this record is shared by the Debtor, Client, Cosigner, and Associate records, the name for the owner records is accessible via a report code along with the Debtor File and Client Number. Make sure that when you are referencing a phone number related to a Cosigner or Associate to use the correct File or Client number codes.

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Select this button to save any changes you have made and return to the previous form.


Select this button to navigate to the previous record in the database.


Selecting this button to navigate to the next record in the database.

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Select this to open a new blank Email form.

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Select this to delete the displayed or highlighted Phone record.

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Select this button to ignore any changes you may have made and return to the previous form.

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Select this button for help on the Email form and links to related topics.

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Email Opt

The label for this field will alternate between Opt In Emails and Opt Out Emails, depending on the state of the OPT IN FLAG checkbox.

Select this button to select the date and method that the this record was either authorized or deauthorized for emailing.

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