Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

  Detailed Field Information Page Table of Contents Related 'How To' Tutorials

Operator Detail

The Operator Detail section of the Operator form enables you to select many additional personal operator level settings. These are explained below.

Operator Detail
Operator Detail

Notes Color

This setting determines how notes are displayed on the Debtor form. You may select a color from the pick list provided, or add your own colors to the pick list.

You may use different colors for different operators. These colors show up when you are viewing the Debtor form, but they are not displayed when you are editing the notes.

These are RGB values, as in standard HTML color usage, and are in hexadecimal form.


Blue #FF0000
Red #0000FF
Green #008800
Amber #0099FF
Purple #FF00FF

Please refer to an online Color Chart for a quick reference to additional colors that you may use and to Using Color In Collect! for color topics.

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These settings determine how Collect! handles messages intended for the user. NORMAL sees the most messages. This is very useful to prevent user error! EXPERT sees very few messages, so it must be used with caution or you may end up performing actions by mistake without realizing it, like deleting records!

The Messaging pick list choices are explained below.


Select this to display all error messages and prompts to the user. This field is ignored for Sales Team definitions.

Useful Note This setting alerts the user before records are deleted. It will then provide a second prompt requiring the user to type in the word DELETE. It is case sensitive. It is useful to leave it enabled even if you do not consider the user to be a "novice."


Select this if you consider this user to be experienced. Most prompts and messages are displayed. This field is ignored for Sales Team definitions.

Useful Note This setting alerts the user before records are deleted. It may be useful to leave it enabled for your more experienced users as well.


Select this mode to inhibits messages and prompts. No prompts are displayed when deleting debtors. Be careful assigning this capability to anyone since they can quickly delete many records! This field is ignored for Sales Team definitions.

Warning Note WARNING: This setting does not alert the user before records are deleted!!! Use with caution.

*** Even an experienced group like the Comtech Support team uses the NORMAL level setting! ***

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Select a Language to use a custom language file so this Operator has a different translated version of Collect!.

Please refer to the Help Topic How To Customize An Operator's Language for more information.

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These settings determine the default printing mode for the operator. This can be changed when a report is being printed. However, it is useful to set here when you are pretty sure of the mode the operator will be using for most letters and reports.

The Printing pick list choices are explained below.


This setting uses the default system-wide print option as set in the Report and Printer Setup form.

Useful Note To access the Report and Printer Setup form, select System from the top menu bar and then select Preferences from the list of choices that appears. The System Setup menu will be displayed. Select Reports and Printing from this menu.


This setting overrides the system-wide default print setting and applies to the currently displayed Operator ID. Printing occurs directly to the printer. This setting is for backward compatibility with earlier versions of Collect!.


This setting overrides the system-wide default print setting for the currently displayed Operator ID and uses Windows features. It is fast and works very well with most printers. Use this setting to print documents with images and graphics.

Older Dot Matrix printers may require that you choose Print Direct To Printer instead.


This setting overrides the system-wide default print setting and applies to the currently displayed Operator ID. It sends printing through your browser in HTML format.

Useful Note This setting must be selected when you want to use a Style Sheet for this Operator.

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Exclude Contact Control Message

Switch this ON to disable all messages related to Contact Controls for this Operator. This will also disable the associated note lines that are written indicated that the operator had been notified.

Useful Note Selecting this options disables the prompt and the note lines.

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Exclude CC Note Line

Switch this ON to disable the note lines that are written after a user is prompted regarding a Contact Control.

Useful Note Selecting this option only disables the note lines, not the Operator prompt.

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Use Softphone For Dialer

Switch this ON if you want Collect! to use softphone for all this Operator's auto dialed calls. You must put the softphone protocol prefix in the "Note 2" field.

Useful Note Your O/S must be configured already to handle the softphone communication protocol you specify.

Please refer to Help topic, How to Setup the Auto Dialer for additional information.

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Automatic Recalc

Switch this ON to force Collect! to fully recalculate the debtor when you open a debtor account. This will ensure that, when you are viewing the account form, all dollar amounts are current and up to date.

Perhaps this operator does not need to see updated financial information or perhaps your use of Collect! does not require recalculation whenever you view an account. In this case, you may choose to leave this switched OFF. If you have many, many operators, leaving this switch OFF will optimize your network performance.

Please refer to How To Setup Operators for more details.

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Disable Popup Help

To stop help from popping up automatically put a check mark in this field.

Re-enable popup help at anytime by pulling down the Help menu and choosing Enable popup help.

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Display Notes Automatically

Switch this ON if you want the Notes tab to always be selected when moving onto a Debtor form. When this switch is OFF, the last highlighted tab is displayed when moving to another debtor.

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Disable Account Matching

Switch this ON to disable account matching for this particular operator. This will override the global account matching settings. This lets you use account matching on your system, yet allows certain operators to be able to navigate debtors without the system performing the account matching functions. Typically, system administrators and junior collectors would have this switch turned ON, while data entry operators would have this switch turned OFF. Turning this switch ON disables account matching only for the designated operator.

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Prompt Before Grouping Accounts

Switch this ON if you want the system to prompt before grouping accounts. When entering or modifying fields on the Debtor form, this prompt lets the user choose between grouping or not grouping the account to other matching accounts that Collect! finds in your system.

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Disable Printing

Switch this ON with a check mark to stop an operator from printing in Collect!. This will stop an Operator from printing in the following ways.

  • Right click and "Print"
  • The "Print" icon on the toolbar
  • Print menu, Quick Print
  • Print menu, Reports and Letters
  • The PRINT buttons on records such as the Debtor

Whenever the Operator attempts to print in these ways, they will not be allowed to continue to Print Report. A message will inform them that their printing has been disabled. This is also written to the Application Log.

Useful Note This switch can be used with Access Rights if you want to enable this operator to perform some printing functions while eliminating the freedom to print whatever they want. For instance, you can grant access to items in the Print menu and the operator will be able to perform them. Also, you can include Letter events in contact plans that the operator is entitled to run.

This is very useful to restrict access to printing functions in Collect! while not hampering the operator from performing their normal functions that require printing.

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Disable F1 Help

Switch this ON to prevent this operator from accessing Collect!'s HTML help via the Internet browser. Local popup help is still available for fields and menu items.

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Legacy Notes

Switch this ON to use background highlighting in the notes. The color for the highlighting is based on the option set in the 'Notes Color' field on the Operator Detail tab for each operator.

If this is not switched on, Collect! will use the value set on the Screens and Messages form.

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Goal 1

User-defined field.

Useful Note In the Operator Analysis Report, this field may be use to track the goal of Agency Commission an Operator must reach before qualifying for the second commission rate stored in the Percent field.

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Goal 2

User-defined field.

Useful Note In the Operator Analysis Report, this field may be use to track the cap that an Operator can have on the Operator Commission amount to pay out.

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User-defined field.

Useful Note In the Operator Analysis Report, this field may be use to track the second commission rate an Operator can have after qualifying for the goal stored in the Goal 1 field.

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User-defined field.

Useful Note In the Operator Analysis Report, this field may be use to track the minimum amount of Agency Commission an Operator must reach before qualifying for the first commission rate stored in the Commission rate field. With this filled in, the calculations would be based on the Agency Commission amount above this value. For example, if the Breakeven was $5,000 and the Operator brought in $20,000 of Agency Commission, the commission calculation would be based on $15,000.

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Date 1

User-defined field.

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Date 2

User-defined field.

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Report Library

This field displays an alternate report library for this operator. When the operator signs in, this report library will load automatically. Select the BROWSE button to view the available registered devices that you may select. The current database and Web Host report libraries show up in this list by default. Any additional report libraries created with the New Report Library function will also be displayed.

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Import Library

This option enables you to load an alternate import library for this operator. When the operator signs in, this import library will load automatically. Select the BROWSE button to view the available registered devices that you may select. The current database and Web Host import libraries show up in this list by default. Any additional import libraries created with the New Import Library function will also be displayed.

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Select the BROWSE button to view a list of registered devices that you may select. The current database and Web Host libraries show up in this list by default. Any additional libraries created with the "new library" functions will also be displayed.

Useful Note Select BROWSE next to "Report library" to select an alternate report library to load for this operator.

Useful Note Select BROWSE next to "Import library" to select an alternate import library to load for this operator.

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Note 1

User-defined field.

When the Operator Type is Web Host, this field contains the port Web Host listens on for HTTP requests, e.g. 80. Not filling this in defaults to port 80 for the /S Web Host argument.

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Note 2

User-defined field.

When the Operator Type is Web Host, this field contains the port Web Host uses for SSL (HTTPS requests), e.g. 443. Leaving this blank causes Collect! to default to port 443 for the /y Web Host argument.

When you have switched ON "Use softphone for dialer," Collect! will look in this field for the protocol prefix for the softphone you want to use. For example, "sip:" All this Operator's auto dialed calls will use this softphone.

When you are using UDP protocol for your dialing system, the UDP redirect string is entered into this field. Please refer to Help topic, How to Setup the Auto Dialer for more information.

Useful Note If using softphone, your O/S must be configured already to handle the softphone protocol you specify.

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Edit Style

Select this button to edit the personal Style Sheet for the currently displayed Operator ID. To use Style Sheets, select "Print via Browser" from the pick list attached to the field labeled "Printing." Please refer to How To Edit Style Sheets for Browser Reports for more information.

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Config File

By default, when Collect! opens, it uses the collectcfg.ini file or, if it exists, the collectcfg_{database name}.ini file to load the configuration.

If you want to specify a configuration file, you can put the filename in this field.

The file must be in the Collect\config folder.

Warning Note WARNING: Any changes to system settings will only affect the configuration file that the Operator has loaded. Typically, this is expected, but if you need to change your SQL Login on the Database Preferences form, you will need to manually copy and paste the encoded values from the collectcfg.ini to any other configuration files that are in use.

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Group Work In Progress

As an alternative or amendment to the above, users like managers or team leaders can sign in and load a work in progress that merges all the contacts from the group into a single To Do List.

Here is an example of an operator setup to see the WIP for 2 other users:

Operator Group

On the WIP Options form, you can then select LOAD CONTACTS FOR GROUP and click OK.

WIP Options

To Do List Displaying All Contacts for Operator Group

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