Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Http Request Log

The HTTP Request Log displays the last 20 requests processed by the Web Host. This list is automatically refreshed after completion of each user request. The Http Request Log is visible only when Collect! is started in Web Host mode.

Collect! Web Host


This column displays the date the request was received Collect! Web Host. You can sort the column by clicking on the column heading - once to sort ascending and again to sort descending.

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This column displays the time the request was received Collect! Web Host. You can sort the column by clicking on the column heading - once to sort ascending and again to sort descending.

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This column displays the user's ID. The user signed in with this ID and it was authorized by the Collect! Web Host. You can sort the column by clicking on the column heading - once to sort ascending and again to sort descending.

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Host column displays the IP Address or Host Name of the machine making the request to the Web Host. Normally, the IP address of each user's computer is displayed here. You can sort the column by clicking on the column heading - once to sort ascending and again to sort descending.

Useful Note To display the actual name of the user's machine, instead, switch ON 'Enable reverse lookup', in the upper part of the Web Host screen. This is useful in an intranet environment to show managers who is actually signed on to the Web Host.

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This column displays the text of the request sent to Web Host. Collect! currently supports the GET and POST methods. You can sort the column by clicking on the column heading - once to sort ascending and again to sort descending.

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This column displays the detail of the request - the name of the report requested or an explanation of the details. You can sort the column by clicking on the column heading - once to sort ascending and again to sort descending.

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This column displays the HTTP/1.1 status code returned to the user upon completion of the request. You can sort the column by clicking on the column heading - once to sort ascending and again to sort descending.

The Status Codes returned to the user are defined in HTTP1.1 specifications. Collect! returns one of the following codes to the machine that made the request.

HTTP/1.1 Status Codes Returned:

200 - OK 205 - Reset Content 204 - No Content 302 - See Other 304 - Not Modified 400 - Bad Request 401 - Unauthorized 403 - Forbidden 404 - Not Found 501 - Not Implemented 503 - Too Many Users 505 - HTTP Version Not Supported

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This column displays the end result of the request. It may be the name of the file that Web Host returns an a result of the request, or a confirmation such as "OK" or "Not modified." It may also be a rejection notice such as "Request denied." You can sort the column by clicking on the column heading - once to sort ascending and again to sort descending.

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Refresh Rate

If you switch ON 'Verbose message display' in the Options, Sounds and Colors dialog, then the list is refreshed during several steps as each request is processed. You may access this dialog by choosing System from the top menu bar. A list of choices will be displayed. Select Preferences to display the System Setup menu. Select the Options, Sounds and Colors button to open the dialog.

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