Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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System Setup

The System Setup menu gives you access to all the configuration features of Collect!. Each selection takes you to a menu for a particular setup area.

You can set up your Company Details, set Operator User Levels and Access Rights, enter Password Settings, edit and create Reports and Letters, Transaction Types and Status Codes, enter Tax and Commission Rates, and set up interfaces with other components of the system.

System Setup

Press F1 for details on each area in the menu.

Plans And Reference Tables

Select this button to open the Plans, Tables and Defaults menu to edit the following items.

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Company Details

Select this button to open the Company Details form where you enter your company's name, address and your local tax rates.

Useful Note Take care as this information may be printed in your reports and letters.

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Reports And Printing

Select this button to open the Report and Printer Setup menu.

Edit and create new reports and letters.

Set up printer control codes.

Display the Printable Field list of codes for every field that can be printed in reports.

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Security And Aliases

Select this button to open the Security and Aliases menu.

Edit and create new Operator and group information.

Organize Operators into groups.

Control access rights of User groups to various parts of Collect!

Set system Password options for users.

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Database Preferences

Select this button to open the Database Preferences menu.

Choose the setup options and performance parameters for the database you access

Access protocol selection and other Network Setup parameters

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Credit Bureau Reporting

Select this button to open the Credit Bureau Setup form.

Set up IDs and codes for the bureaus you are reporting to

Set the default credit reporting options used when you choose a Debtor for reporting

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Auto Dialer Setup

Select this button to open the Auto Dialer Preferences form. Change the settings for your auto dialer.

Useful Note Under Windows, we use TAPI, so be sure you have the most up to date TAPI drivers from Microsoft.

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Options, Sounds And Colors

Select this button to open the Screen and Messages form.

Set various system options.

Change date format and sounds.

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TCN Setup

Select this button to open the TCN Setup window where you can configure your options for using the TCN interface feature.

Useful Note This feature requires that you have an account set up already with TCN.

This button is visible only if you have the TCN module enabled in your Collect! license.

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Payment Processing Setup

Select this button to open the Payment Processing Setup form where you can enter details for using the Payment Processing module for electronic credit card and ACH payment processing in Collect!.

Useful Note This feature requires that you have an account set up already with a supported Payment Provider.

This button is visible only if you have Payment Processing module enabled in your Collect! license.

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Select this button to return to the previous screen.

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Select this button for help on the System Setup screen and links to related topics.

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