Screens & Popup Message Prompts
This topic discusses the use of windows, screens and popup
message prompts.
- Access Rights to all the menus and screens.
It is helpful to explore this topic in the
demonstration database, logged in as
user OWN/ password own. This will ensure
you are using a login that has the Access
Rights permissions set to levels that will
allow you to explore all the features in
All interaction between the program and the user takes place
through the use of screens and message prompt windows. There
are many types of each.
Data Entry Screens
Most of the screens involve inputting information into your
database. When you enter data into the fields on the screen,
the information is written to a database record when you Save
it. Collect! predominantly uses an " OK" button as your save
function. Also encountered will be popups where your "Yes"
response will save for your entries, and occasions when
pressing F8 will have your content. Use F8 to save updates
to Pick Lists and Control File snippets.
A List in Collect! is the compilation of records which are
displayed when you opt to Browse any record type such as
Debtors, Clients, Transactions, Contacts etc. Once you
have access to the List, you have choices as to what you
want to do. These appear as buttons along the bottom
of the window with labels like New to add a new entry,
Edit to modify an existing record, Delete to remove
one or more records, arrow keys to page through the
existing records. At the top of the screen, you have
Menu Options such as Find to open an Edit Search Criteria
window to query the list with specific conditional parameters
of your choosing, as well as Print if you wish to run a
report or letter against one or more of the records in
the list.
Procedure Prompts
Several automated processes in Collect! involve multiple steps.
As you are guided through the process, the system will
interactively communicate with you by providing information
about what is taking place or prompt you with a message popup
when there is a decision to be made regarding options available,
or directions the process is to take.
Screens To Enter Or Modify Settings
System configuration and operational preference settings
are managed in Collect! via a series of Setup screens. These
contain check box software switches allowing you the flexibility
to set preferences which may be changed at a later date if you
wish, without the necessity of technical assistance required.
The combination of these switches checked and unchecked determine
how the system will handle various processes and data management.
Prompts For Input
Collect! is designed to be interactive. If you are running a
process for which the system requires additional information to
proceed, you will receive a popup message asking you specifically
for the information or choices from which you may select.
Information, Warning And Error Messages
The system will also notify you of any error conditions it encounters
as it is programmed to display specific messages that have
troubleshooting diagnostic significance. Collect! is a stable system
not prone to periods of down-time that prevents your staff from
being able to function. Contacting our office for assistance in
the event of an error message will ensure that whatever issue
was encountered is corrected in the shortest amount of time.
Screen And Popup Message Features
Certain features are common, such as:
Title Bar
This is the color shaded bar that you see at the top of every window
or popup. It will always display the title of screen you are viewing.
Since every new window will change its Title as you navigate through
the system, the name in the title bar will always act like a tracking
device to identify to you where you are at any time.
Most windows that you will use contain several fields where you can
input free-form data. This type of screen is often called a "Form"
due to its similarity to the fill-in-the-blank document it is named
All windows, screens and message popups have buttons. Examples are:
to Cancel or Close a window; to start processes; acknowledge the completion
of processes; edit existing information; delete existing information;
add new information; quick keys that assist you to navigate through lists;
and instructions to initialize processes to begin or stop on demand.
Some buttons are menu links to sub-screens located behind a main window
which you may need to access such as the Advanced button that
exists on both the Debtor and Client windows, located in the lower
right corner bank of buttons.
Files such as Debtor and Client have sub-records associated with them.
The Tabs located in the lower third of the screen which allow you to
access notes, contact, transactions etc are composites of data which
are associated with the main window information, but are stored as
separate data record "types". Understanding how to access these
sub-records is key to becoming expert in creating ad hoc reports
and letters.
Example: To extract information from the Debtor Transaction Tab, first
you need to have access to the Debtor PLUS access to the Debtor
When you are looking at the physical tabs on Debtor
and Client screens, if the tab itself is a uniform grey
color, then there is nothing currently stored in
there. If the tab itself is bright yellow - like
a light was on - then there is data in that tab
available to be viewed.
Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
Some screens contain check box squares or circles where you can
click your mouse and either leave a check-mark or a dot inside
the circle. These are software switches and options that are
considered turned ON if they are marked and OFF if they are
left unmarked and blank.
Status Bar
At the bottom of the Collect! screen, you will see additional
information that changes depending on the procedure you are
performing at the time.
The Status bar will tell you when you currently have a list
tagged by highlighting with color the "T" in the status bar.
Similarly, if the "S" is shaded, then you have Search Criteria
currently invoked on a list of records.
Information Window
Some windows carry a textual message in the upper portion
of the display that provides information about the menu,
screen or function you are currently located in.
Pick Lists
If a field evidences a small drop-down arrow at the extreme
right end and when you click on it, you get a list popup
with a series of choices you can select from to populate this
field, then this is a pick list by definition.
You will see Pick Lists being used to describe debt Type,
Status Code, Operator ID, Sales ID, Mode and more. As well,
you will see pick lists used in Contacts, Cosigners, Attachments,
and Phone Tabs etc. Besides visual recognition of information
detail, these pick lists provide you with the means to segment data
at a report level because the same may be used as parameters
in conditional logic. Example: you only want accounts with
the status PRP in your report OR you want a list of clients who
have Sales ID that is not HSE, etc.
Field Icons
Several fields have small icons attached to them at the extreme
right end of their screen position. These can be clicked to
initiate an action such as clicking the phone icon beside a
phone number to automatically dial the number in the field if
your system is configured for Auto Dial. Similarly, clicking on
the calendar image beside a date field will popup a calendar,
clicking the email icon will popup a message window to send an
email, file folders will popup stored images and metafiles.
At the extreme right of Attachments, you have a folder icon
to navigate to a saved file; a print button to print the file,
a trash bin to delete the attached file and a magnifying glass
to navigate to where the file is stored.
Moving Around
To move from field to field or button to button, you can press
the Tab key or use the Arrows on your keyboard. Pressing
Enter will also move to the next field or button.
If there is a pick list attached to a field, pressing the F2
function key will display it for you to make a choice.
Navigating Screens With Tabs
The F5 will take you into a subscreen such as Notes if your mouse
is currently on some part of the main Debtor or Client screen.
If you have entered a subscreen Tab such as Transactions
(Debtor) or Invoices (Client), pressing F5 again will
open the first, highlighted record. Press the Esc key to
be returned to the main, outer screen.
Expanding The Tab View
You can maximize the Tab window you are viewing. Click on
the small square in the upper right hand corner of the Tab
window you have entered and the Tab will expand from the
limited line view with a scroll bar to a full screen view.
Exiting A Screen Or Popup
You can exit several ways:
Press F8
This is the best way to close a screen or popup. Any
changes you have made will be saved to your database
and the window will close. This returns you to the
previous screen.
Press the OK Button
This will save any changes you have made.
Press the Esc Button on your keyboard
This will close your current window and move you
back to the previous screen.
Click the 'x' Icon
In the upper right hand corner of each window, you will see a
square with an 'x' in it. This can be pressed to close
the window.
If you close a screen by pressing the 'x' icon,
Collect! does NOT automatically save your
changes and they may be lost. To save and
close, use F8 to exit.
Press the Cancel Button
Press this button to ignore any changes you have made.
This will close the active window and return you to the
previous screen.
See Also
- New User Basics
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