Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Form Rights

The Form Rights form contains several settings that allow you to set security privileges and display properties for a selected menu, form or field in Collect! for a particular user level. The chosen user level may have its own alias name for the field, form or menu item and its own pick list attached to it.

Form Rights

When you are viewing the Access Rights form, you may see a list of users displayed in the Form Rights sub form. The Form Rights list displays those Users who have rights to access the given form or menu, and the extent of their rights.


Use the arrow to drop-down a list of Access Rights choices. Access Rights include Full, No Delete, Read Only and No Access.

Useful Note These settings have different effects depending on whether you are setting rights for a menu item, a form or a field. Please refer to Help topic How to Use Access Rights for details.

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Click in this field or on the down arrow to open the Operator Level list. Choose a user level to allow it to access the item. You can set up your user groups and their rights through the System menu by choosing Rights, User Levels. Collect! ships with several default user groups which you can modify, if necessary.

Warning Note WARNING: Please be careful. If you inhibit the System Manager from accessing the Access Rights list you will be unable to change the rights in the future!

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Mask Field

If you would like to mask a field with stars, you can select a value in this field. There are 3 options:

  • None - No Masking
  • Partial - Masks all but the last 4 characters
  • Full - Masks all characters

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This name overrides the system default name for the form or field whose Access Rights you are modifying. When the specific user group chosen in the Level field signs into Collect!, the alias you type in here will display as the name of this menu, form or field. For example, you may have a group of operators who work certain account types, while other operators manage different account types. Each group can have the forms it uses in Collect! set up with labels that suit its particular function.

The names you choose should be very intuitive and logical.

Warning Note WARNING: Do not rebuild your Access Rights list when signed in as a User with aliases.

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Pick List File

The Pick List File shows you the name of the Pick List attached to this field. Pick lists can be attached to just about any field in the system. Pick Lists give the user a list of choices to choose from for the field.

Useful Note The Form Rights Pick List field gives you the ability to assign a special pick list to a particular user level. This is very useful for limiting the operator's choices. For instance, you can create one pick list for your system level users and another for your collectors. An example would be the Debtor Status field. Perhaps you want your collectors to be able to change the Status, but limit them to a few choices. This is where you could benefit from setting the pick list in Form Rights for the user level you have assigned to your collectors.

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Press this button for help on the Form Rights dialog and links to related topics.

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Select this button to ignore any changes you may have made and then return to the previous form.

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Selecting this button will save any data you have entered and return you to the previous form.


Selecting this button will take you back to another record.


Selecting this button will take you forward to another record.

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